Clinton to be in Coal country

She'll talk about reviving coal country, re-education of miners, how cool guns are and how she carries biscuits and gravy in her purse.
She is the devil. She represents how bad this country can be. Coal,,,what a joke. All the miners,"but the ones who cant walk 10' because of black lung" will be there cause they sure dont have a job. I blame that pinko obama. He is not black he is pink. He lied when he said we would mine and burn coal CLEANER. Coal is black,,BLACK LUNG, and a pinko president.
Amen mr walden 32 yrs i never heard of a woman boss. the goverment made us hire them. jobs i was on and i worked for the very best in ky and wv, woman slowed things down. Did see a few good truck drivers, driving the big 200 ton trucks but they stopped to piss 5-1 over men. We always signed a waver for no bath houses and women cried over that. men chose to wash their asses at home. On road work they did well as flagman. They are making around 30 an hour on the new road I can see from my front doot. Their blasting has cracked a few windows and other things. They cut me a check friday for damage. the adjuster who came to my house was a nice woman
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they want a boss that says they love coal and they can keep their guns, hell with the fact that every single other stance that boss may have that would go against them.