Cohen said . . .

I have lied, but I'm not a liar.

Anybody catch that?

Reminded me of extragreen.

Logically, if he lied the last time before Congress about the exact same questions, he is probably telling the truth this time; a lot of this stuff is just no verses yes. That's why the GOP line of attack was illogical. But we know logic is not important in these things.
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Logically, if he lied the last time before Congress about the exact same questions, he is probably telling the truth this time; a lot of this stuff is just no verses yes. That's why the GOP line of attack was illogical. But we know logic is not important in these things.
I have no idea, without knowing which particular questions he lied about during the first testimony. Do you know them? I honestly don't. I do know that all of these hearings have become a farce in recent years, and it's basically a bunch of rednecks choosing sides, digging in deep, and arguing for 10-12 hours per session. It's kind of like a extragreen-iamherdman thread, with herdman being the logical one.
I have no idea, without knowing which particular questions he lied about during the first testimony. Do you know them? I honestly don't. I do know that all of these hearings have become a farce in recent years, and it's basically a bunch of rednecks choosing sides, digging in deep, and arguing for 10-12 hours per session. It's kind of like a extragreen-iamherdman thread, with herdman being the logical one.

For sure the Moscow Trump Tower deal thing, which was part of his guilty plea.

I agree these hearings are largely a farce. Over 10 hours you get 30 minutes of actually compelling stuff...but who has the time to watch all 10 hours and see the compelling stuff? We have to rely on the media. Half of the media are idiots and don't realize what is important, and there's too much bias to one side or the other for a person of either ideological bent to honestly trust what they are reading. Myself, it has to be a news piece that directly quotes and breaks down specific areas of testimony for me to figure it real reporting; sound bites here and there tell you nothing.
Except when you are able to produce a signed check with a date on it...dated August 2017...after he became POTUS.

But that stemmed from a cover-up that took place before Trump was in office, so I don't really care how long Trump took to pay back Cohen for the hush-money. I do believe the conspiracy to violate campaign finance law is technically an impeachable offense, but we know that is not good enough to convict in the Senate when half of those SOB's violate campaign fiance laws themselves.
This Cohen testimony democrat “gotcha” attempt seems to be falling a little flat.

Not a shocker though. Lanny Davis (his lawyer) is of course the same Lanny Davis that worked at representing the Clintons and also had his emails hacked during the primaries. It makes me wonder how many checks Cohen's family is going to cash (while he's in prison) for simply repeating democrat/media talking points during this "testimony"?

Russian collusion? LMAOGTFOLOLLMFAO.
Watched/listened to the nearly the entire thing.
  • Couldn't believe Wasserman-Schultz is still in office let alone on this committee. A liar and a cheat asking questions to a liar and a cheat about a liar and a cheat.
  • The republicans were in full rage and BS mode. It's truly the party of Trump. Only Michigan's Justin Awash wasn't playing this childish "liar, liar pants on Fire" schtick. He asked some of the best questions of the hearing.
  • Actually, the republicans were selective in believing statements by Cohen. They believee the "no pee pee tape"...and "No -Trump didn't smack Melania" statments were true. But everything else was BS.
Cohen was believable - He had absolutely nothing to gain from lying - and much to lose if he were caught in a lie at this hearing.

"Trump finally went to Vietnam, and he's getting killed back home."

"Congressman Jordan has his head so far up Trump's ass it's a wonder his hair plugs were plucked out."
Cohen: “Trump didn’t even want to win the election”

So why was it necessary to collude with Russia?

Seriously. When we are left with late night (nobody watches) talk show host clips, attempting to make sense of this for guys like’s pretty safe to say...Dems bombed this one.
Michigan's Justin Amash

He's not a Trumper nor a Bagger. He's pretty libertarian. Not surprised.

much to lose if he were caught in a lie at this hearing.

That's another thing. Cohen can't enjoy that book deal Gym Jordan was so concerned about if he is in fvcking prison the rest of his life....and if he kept lying he'd be well on his way to that.
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Watched/listened to the nearly the entire thing.
  • Couldn't believe Wasserman-Schultz is still in office let alone on this committee. A liar and a cheat asking questions to a liar and a cheat about a liar and a cheat.
  • The republicans were in full rage and BS mode. It's truly the party of Trump. Only Michigan's Justin Awash wasn't playing this childish "liar, liar pants on Fire" schtick. He asked some of the best questions of the hearing.
  • Actually, the republicans were selective in believing statements by Cohen. They believee the "no pee pee tape"...and "No -Trump didn't smack Melania" statments were true. But everything else was BS.
Cohen was believable - He had absolutely nothing to gain from lying - and much to lose if he were caught in a lie at this hearing.

"Trump finally went to Vietnam, and he's getting killed back home."

"Congressman Jordan has his head so far up Trump's ass it's a wonder his hair plugs were plucked out."
Cohen absolutely lied to Congress when asked about wanting a job within the whitehouse. Is it a big deal in the grand scheme of things no but he had no reason to lie. Everything he said should be taken with a grain of salt.
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Cohen absolutely lies to Congaree when asked about wanting a job within the whitehouse. Is it a big deal in the grand scheme of things no but he had no reason to lie. Everything he said should be taken with a grain of salt.
In his statement, he said he discussed with the WH legal team, and it was decided he couldn't become part of the wouldn't work. This one could be difficult to disprove. Again, he had nothing to gain and everything to lose by lying. He lies - more time in the pokey.
Cohen: “Trump didn’t even want to win the election”

So why was it necessary to collude with Russia?

Seriously. When we are left with late night (nobody watches) talk show host clips, attempting to make sense of this for guys like’s pretty safe to say...Dems bombed this one.
I believe the quote was Trump didn't expect to win. That doesn't necessarily mean he didn't want to win. Considering the time and energy he put in the last few weeks of the campaign - seemed to be quite a bit of "want to" to me.

Why was collusion necessary? Donald Trump cheats. I assume this isn't a revelation to you.

He's not a Trumper nor a Bagger. He's pretty libertarian. Not surprised.
Amash is my representative. 3rd distict of M is mostly Grand Rapids, and then a bunch of us redneck counties along I-94. Most of Kalamazoo is represented by Kate Upton's Uncle. Back to Amash, most of us still aren't sure what the fvck he is. He may have trouble getting re-elected if he doesn't start toeing the Trump line.
Why was collusion necessary?

That's the point. It wasn't. Everyone inside both campaigns knew Hillary was crumbling....everyone but her.

Still haven't seen Mueller with a collusion indictment yet either. (Pssst. There wasn't)

Keep going with the dossier nonsense too. Only the true lunatics still have a belief that this piece of paper has any value.
One of the statements the republicans decided was true.....again - they behaved like a group of stooges yesterday.
This speaks to a larger point. I think having him there at all is ridiculous. Both sides are picking & choosing what to believe from a guy with a documented history of lying to the exact same group.
I have lied, but I'm not a liar.

Anybody catch that?

Reminded me of extragreen.

Speaking of lying, are you claiming that you are sober or drunk while posting this? You claimed drunk previously, then later admitted you lied about that. So how do we know you are telling the truth this time?
This speaks to a larger point. I think having him there at all is ridiculous. Both sides are picking & choosing what to believe from a guy with a documented history of lying to the exact same group.
Only republicans were picking and choosing which statements to believe.

It's been pointed out none of the republicans really came to Trump's defense. You didn't hear statements like, "I refuse to believe our President would do this"....or...."President Trump is a fine human being with great character and undeniable integrity, and I believe our President when he tells me _____" No one said anything close to that. Sadly, and to their credit, republicans realized that was even less credible than their grade school proclamation of "Liar Liar Pants on Fire".
Only republicans were picking and choosing which statements to believe.

It's been pointed out none of the republicans really came to Trump's defense. You didn't hear statements like, "I refuse to believe our President would do this"....or...."President Trump is a fine human being with great character and undeniable integrity, and I believe our President when he tells me _____" No one said anything close to that. Sadly, and to their credit, republicans realized that was even less credible than their grade school proclamation of "Liar Liar Pants on Fire".
If Cohen wasn't in Prague, then it's a pretty huge admission. And frankly, the republicans have never come out & said those things about Trump. He's not some Trojan horse.
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If Cohen wasn't in Prague, then it's a pretty huge admission. And frankly, the republicans have never come out & said those things about Trump. He's not some Trojan horse.
Considering his risk for lying, I agree with you as it concerns Prague.

Interesting read from George Conway's twitter.

Shane Harris
GOP members are trying to shame Cohen, which seems futile at this rock-bottom point in his life, and impugn his credibility, which gains little, since Cohen has already admitted he lied about some things. What no member has done: Try to show that Cohen's testimony today is false.
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Tell us more....

I'm not entirely sure. Some other posters have hinted at his identity, and he never responds to posts asking him about being in the bar. There have also been posts suggesting that he used to post under a different name years ago (and, no, I don't think he's Mako). I'm just assuming that where there's smoke . . .
I'm not entirely sure. Some other posters have hinted at his identity, and he never responds to posts asking him about being in the bar. There have also been posts suggesting that he used to post under a different name years ago (and, no, I don't think he's Mako). I'm just assuming that where there's smoke . . .

Big Country has been anxiously waiting to meet him for months.
Why would BC be afraid of meeting you? All he was doing was handing you $100.00. Besides, I saw BC once or twice on Facebook, so I doubt very seriously he was afraid of meeting you. Hell, even Rifle is afraid of the wrath of BC.