Commie-Toe to sit down with chief political anchor Bret Baier for first formal Fox News interview

This stinks to high heaven. Maybe Brett sells us out. Maybe she completely throws Biden under the bus. Maybe she has her own October surprise for us all.
Brett sux as do most of the "news" people at Fox and just about as bad as the propagandists at cnn, msnbc, cbs, abc etc
Fully expect her to have her cliche responses ready to go.

The first question that needs to be asked:

Do you plan to allow the Trump tax cuts to expire?
Because if she says “yes”, her claims of “no one under 400k will have their taxes raised” is (not surprisingly) BS.

Additionally she needs pressed on all her economic proposals. Watching her try to answer a basic question about her “opportunity economy” the other day on a friendly interviewer/podcaster was embarrassing. She literally can’t explain her “own” economic proposals. Has zero idea how the economy works. It was like reading an old Greedtard response to an economic question. Clueless and dimwitted. When she realized she might get a follow up to her non answer she kept talking and went right into her TDS schtick.
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The first question that needs to be asked:

Do you plan to allow the Trump tax cuts to expire?
Because if she says “yes”, her claims of “no one under 400k will have their taxes raised” is (not surprisingly) BS.
You're an idiot. The expiration of your orange jesus tax cuts for the rich can be done so as not to effect those making under 400K.
Additionally she needs pressed on all her economic proposals.
Says the idiot who supports and defends tax cuts for the rich while complaining about national debt.
I’d really like to see him press her on the border disaster and the associated crime. Press her on her stance that she wouldn’t change anything over the past 4 years.

Explain how her vote threw the country into crippling inflation. His bitch ass probably won’t though.
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