Convicted as Criminals for Being Heroes

Four aid volunteers are facing prison time after leaving food and water inside an Arizona national wildlife refuge where undocumented migrants have died trying to enter the United States.
that isn't right. All they were trying to do was provide comfort and care. Hard to imagine but I have read in other places where people were in trouble for feeding the homeless. Sad day
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Fairly similar to where people have been given tickets for putting money in people's expired parking meters as parking attendants arrived.

I could understand if people were smuggling illegals in. That isn't the case. These people are simply trying to save lives of people who already have crossed the border.

I understand the laws with the wildlife refuge, etc. But sometimes a right overcomes a wrong.
Entering without a permit? I found that interesting, as no general use (hiking, nature stuff) visitor permit is needed at my local NWR.* Sure enough, this one requires a permit to use. I wonder why....oh yeah, because we actually DROP BOMBS on a "wildlife refuge". This is a strange country.

Good for them in trying to help. But rule number one in wilderness areas and NWR's is "leave nothing but footprints". Sometimes you have to break the law to do what is right. I do find it kind of hilarious the government is worried about jugs of water and cans of beans when they are bombing the place.

* Yes, I know other NWR's do require permits. There's another one in Indiana that does....also because of bombs...and rumors of radioactive waste, which I totally believe. I do not go to that one.
The almighty Xenu could take care of them. They don't need food and water, just self help tips on how to better communicate. Amirite?

You still smoldering from the burn you got in the last thread you looked stupid?

You're starting out just as bad here, and it'll get worse.