Don't see anybody even those on the left coming to his defense.A ass is a ass 7 days a week. Guy is never happy. Shucks I thought he was a woman. No joke. Talked like a woman dying to get her period. He hates anybody who doesn't hate trump
Greed wants everybody out protesting and marching against trump yet I don't think he has done one thing in the fight against trump except on here. On here he has turned those neutral to Trump's side. I just hate to see someone on here living in such a aggravated state of mind because we don't have some fat legged woman as president. How do men support feminists.I support trump over any woman and I'm not a guy who would wear a maga hat
Greed wants everybody out protesting and marching against trump yet I don't think he has done one thing in the fight against trump except on here. On here he has turned those neutral to Trump's side. I just hate to see someone on here living in such a aggravated state of mind because we don't have some fat legged woman as president. How do men support feminists.I support trump over any woman and I'm not a guy who would wear a maga hat