Creating a dependence class doesn’t t work.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
It works if you are in power but it doesn't fix problems and it fails in the long run. You can't raise your kids that way because they end up dependent and failing adults.

So it won't work with society either. It doesn't solve those in needs dilemma. It just tries to take something instead to find a real solution.
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Just like greeds satanic post. Getting more vile and satanic everyday. A man in a world of his own but satan controls his every word. Terrible life for greed. Pray for him
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Herdman, I really agree with you on this election. They would not have picked a radical leftist for VP unless they knew the election was already decided.
Herdman, I really agree with you on this election. They would not have picked a radical leftist for VP unless they knew the election was already decided.
It is already decided. Our elections are fixed. If not, there are a complete bunch of morons in the big cities(there are for sure, they a dependent people). And it not just about ballot stuffing. it is about media manipulation and physcological warfare in a sense. These mo****ers are damn near Bolshevik and they are doing it to protect the million beuracrats and machine in DC, power, money.

The US debt can't be repaid. So, why are they stirring up wars and open borders? WHy would anybody be self destructive? Like letting a city burn or their state? All about power!
You can't raise your kids that way because they end up dependent and failing adults.
I can hear you saying this repeatedly as you do your adult son's taxes.

Nope. Try again.


Nope. Try again. Actually, you're way off on that one, so don't try again.

Our elections are fixed.

In that case, the only ethical thing to do is to tell every Republican you know to not waste their time or gas. Demand that they stay home and not vote since the elections are fixed. Do the right thing.
Picking a radical leftist for vice president is proof they never thought for a second THAT Biden wouldn't finish out.