Crushing pills and spitting out lives in WV coal country

And people are mad at Obama for coming to WV to talk about the issues

Agree or disagree, but the drug problem in the coal fields directly mirror the decline of coal in that area in which Obama's policies have a lot to do with.
Agree or disagree, but the drug problem in the coal fields directly mirror the decline of coal in that area in which Obama's policies have a lot to do with.

Honest question...did we have a similar problem when twice as many coal mining jobs were lost under Reagan?
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Agree or disagree, but the drug problem in the coal fields directly mirror the decline of coal in that area in which Obama's policies have a lot to do with.

No the drug problem is Nationwide, there is no coal on Long Island but herion and pills is a big problem here.

Just admit it, white people are addicted to pain pills because of Big Pharma. Has nothing to do with coal. Get them addicted to pain pills, change them and then outprice pills. Force them to look for cheaper alternatives(Herion), arrest them and lock them up for petty possession charges and force them into Indentured Servitude in the Private Prison system
Hell if there is no jobs, where are they getting the money to afford $30-$80 pills or $50 bundles of Herion??? Shit imagine if they had jobs?
I really don't know the answer to that. I'm really not trying to pin all the blame on Obama either. I just know that this stuff is more prevalent in economically depressed areas. With the decline in the coal industry, the numbers on addiction have risen.

But with every change to our economy there are winners and losers. There were winners and losers when we moved from an agrarian to an industrial based economy. Same when we moved away from an industrial base. It creates pockets of poverty where the heart of these industries use to stand. And along with that comes the rise in alcoholism, drugs, etc.

That doesn't mean that a president should be pinned to this just because the industries have run their course. Maybe it's time for coal to go. Our over dependence on it in WV makes it more difficult especially in the areas that this article covers. But who knows...maybe that forces us in this state to develop alternatives that are more suitable for the present world. Maybe it's better in the long run. But the comment from fever was about the resentment toward Obama's visit. Sure there is in that area. It's only natural.
Addiction was a problem in the black communites when they pulled all of the factories out of NYC, Detroit, Chicago, and LA back in the 70's

No surprised those same communities fell into economic dispare, gang violence, and drug addiction.

Now that it is happening in poor white communities where coal jobs was lost, the excuse of "Well the Coal jobs are gone" becomes valid it seems.
This is a big problem in suburbia too........Pills got harder to get and the price went through the roof, kids have turned to heroin.

One of my theories is that this generation of kids doesn't know about or remember the rash of heroin ODs in the 70's......It's just sold as a cheap alternative to Mommy's Percocet.......Then before you know it, they're hooked.

As a whole I don't get the pain pill/heroin thing.......I've had 7 ortho surgeries in my life and never taken anything stronger than Tylenol or advil......Not because I'm a tough guy, I just don't like how that sh!t makes you feel.
Heroin is now the designer drug of choice on LI. LI is up there with Heroin overdoses between the ages of 14-25 and that is sad very sad
No the drug problem is Nationwide, there is no coal on Long Island but herion and pills is a big problem here.

Just admit it, white people are addicted to pain pills because of Big Pharma. Has nothing to do with coal. Get them addicted to pain pills, change them and then outprice pills. Force them to look for cheaper alternatives(Herion), arrest them and lock them up for petty possession charges and force them into Indentured Servitude in the Private Prison system
You should like this since whitey is finally getting a taste of prison life.
Up until Nixon started the War on Drugs, whitey was the overwhelming prison population

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