Cuba embargo to be lifted

went there for one night four or five years ago. didnt get to take pics because i was warned against U.S. customs looking on my camera, but it is a beautiful island with some extremely shady spots. if you dont want to pay $5000 to go through one of the travel agencies approved to take tours there, simply put $50 in your passport in havana (via nassau or cancun) and they wont stamp your passport.
Stories coming out about this are crazy.

Evidently the POPE is the one that talked Obama and Castro into normalizing relations, even hosting talks at the Vatican.

Welcome to the 13th Century...
I'm too cynical to think this was done for anything other than political reasons, but its a good step either way if the restrictions really are dropped. It's unbelievable they went on this long.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
Stories coming out about this are crazy.

Evidently the POPE is the one that talked Obama and Castro into normalizing relations, even hosting talks at the Vatican.

Welcome to the 13th Century...
Well that settles the religion/politics debate.
Wall Street Journal is reporting there is a lot of anger down in Florida at the President for this.
We should have taken Mexico, Cuba and all the other Caribbean islands 100 or more years ago. Actually should have taken everything in Central America. Those people would have all been better off and we could have had a controllable southern border.
I listened to a series on WWI a while back and they made the argument that at least Cuba would have probably been made a state, but people didn't want a bunch of new brown Americans.
The U.S. attempted several times in its history to annex Cuba (most obviously in wake of Spanish-American War).

Several Southern states in the period between the Missouri Compromise and the War Between the States attempted to try and bring Cuba into the Union by dividing it into 3 states (all slave-holding, obviously)
Spain likely would have had something to say about that. I don't know enough about the relative strength of the militaries at the time to say if we could have held our own but I believe our Navy would have been badly outclassed.
Screw Spain. By 1880 we were a manufacturing powerhouse experienced in making all sorts of weapons, including the iron boats of the civil war. We should have gone on an expansion run for about 20 years within our area of interest. Would have left Canada alone and went south.
Originally posted by banker6796:
We should have taken Mexico, Cuba and all the other Caribbean islands 100 or more years ago. Actually should have taken everything in Central America. Those people would have all been better off and we could have had a controllable southern border.
Well.... we still could .
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
Spain likely would have had something to say about that. I don't know enough about the relative strength of the militaries at the time to say if we could have held our own but I believe our Navy would have been badly outclassed.
I don't know what timeframe you're talking about but Spain was on the decline for most of the United States existence, and when we finally did go to war with them, we kicked complete ass and took what we wanted at the time.
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
Spain likely would have had something to say about that. I don't know enough about the relative strength of the militaries at the time to say if we could have held our own but I believe our Navy would have been badly outclassed.
Spain? We are undefeated world war champs. Spain would be a jv game.
I'm talking about pre-Civil War, which is when Keep was talking about. I don't know enough about our military then to say what would happen, but from what I remember we didn't have much of a Navy, and Spain still did. Post civil war, well, we saw how that went. Wrecked 'em. But by then the impetus, to add slave states, was gone.
Damn - now my cigars will be legal...well that takes all the fun out of that for sure.
The embargo should be lifted because it hasn't worked nor was it a good idea in the first place.

I have never understood the reason for the Cuba travel restrictions placed on US Citizens. The US Government doesn't place restrictions on US Citizens traveling to Russia or China. So why Cuba? It never made sense. More to the point, my Government shouldn't be allowed to tell me where I can or can't travel.
The main reason for the embargo was to keep the Castro's from consolidating control over the Caribbean and likewise keep them from growing their military, etc... and was successful with that goal.
I talked to my cousin in Miami about the vibe down there. He said there is a divide between the exile generation and the younger generation. Obviously the exiles and first gen Cuban Americans are against it while the Castro's are still alive and running things. The younger, second and third generation Cuban Americans are more for the changes.
Me? I'm in the middle. I am cautiously optimistic. But I also agree that the Castro's need to be out of power before any concessions are made. Opening up an embassy and establishing lines of communication is fine but to lift the embargo (which they aren't doing, yet) is not until the Casto's are out of power. I think there will be a type of democracy there but it will take a long time to get there. The steps taken yesterday will have little impact. The Cuban people will have to do it themselves. The time is coming as Fidel and Raoul age and eventually pass. I mean my lord Fidel is like a hundred and fifty. My dad would have been 87 this coming February and Fidel was at least two years older than him. Raoul is no spring chicken either.

I just want to see where my father's side of the family lived and I won't go until the Castro's are gone.
We don't embargo countries with leaders that are magnitudes worse than Castro. The only reason Cuba is still embargoed is political inertia.