Cultural rot a result of factories closing

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Without enough decent paying jobs for your average bonehead, they now resort to either drawing a check or mooching off their parents. They sink to a trashy lifestyle, give up and hang around with garbage. This results in tatted up fat globs of shit walking around everywhere on dope or pills.

Until those jobs are replaced, and everyone says they're not coming back, then this is what you're going to get.

Might as well take it and like it.
You're right in how you phrased it, but we make the same amount of stuff relative to the rest of the world as we ever did. It just takes way fewer people to do it. If we doubled manufacturing output in the next 10 years I doubt manufacturing jobs would go up 10%.
Tons of good paying manufacturing jobs available in Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Problem is parents who brainwash their kids into thinking all mfg jobs are dirty & braindead, when most actually require quite a bit of technical training.
Oh, there are tons of jobs to be had in anything probably. In America, Land of Opportunity. But most people are not willing to take on the mentality of a professional sports player. That is, they want to stay where God (or whatever) put 'em.

"I'd rather be poor here than rich there." Something I used to say when I was a dumb high school kid. You give up something either way, but if you hang around the rot it appears you end up rotting right along with it.
Most people have been led to believe manufacturing is dead in the US. Fact is that we are the number one manufacturer in the world.

Previous post was correct. We don't have an issue with manufacturing, we have an issue that technology has led to excess human capital. That's simply not a solvable problem.
Welfare is how we're dealing with it. There should be a better way. Raoul's on the money then with making them work for it. Make them keep the projects clean. Somebody needs to get them moving somehow. They're all so fat it takes a lot of food stamps to feed them. Enroll them in mandatory exercise programs. If you're 400 pounds, no reload of the EBT card until you starve off a few layers of blubber.
I thought the U S was displaced by China in 2010 for the top manufacturing spot.
The US and china are basically tied. Of course on a per capita basis we out produce them better than 4-1.

Walden, I have long been an advocate of "workfare" instead of welfare. If you are physically capable you should have to give up part of your life for your check just like people who get up and go to a job everyday. If nothing else they can all go sit in the Big Sandy arena from 8 till 5 everyday. You don't show up you don't get a check.
They wouldn't show up and the people in charge would just cave in and let them have it anyway.

This is just what we're left with when you have too many people without a place in society to contribute. They'll be taken care of, which I suppose is one of our lavish luxuries we're trillions in debt to pay for. But with no purpose, they just waste away into fat trashy slop. The cultural rot.

It's good not to be rotting like that, but what happens if the rotters end up the majority?
Would you blame this on Nixon and Reagans economic policies?? that's when all the factories started to leave
I'd blame it on a combination of intelligence and greed. The winners are truly masterful. And they're OK with an ever growing dumpster pile. They've got their sanctuaries from it. You can bet the cops that guard those will never catch the media wrath. The puppet pullers won't let that happen.
Fever, first you need to check your history. In June 1977 US manufacturing peaked with 22% of all payroll in nonfarm manufacturing. That's the midway point between Nixon and Reagan. That was about 21,000,000 jobs. When Reagan left office it was 18,000,000 jobs. Under Clinton it dropped to about 16.5MM in 1993. The real plunge in manufacturing didn't occur until after the attacks on 9-11. From that date until 2010 we went from 16MM all the way down to 11.5MM.

With all that said, it has little to do with who was President when. It's about technological advancement. In 1920 there were 100MM tons of coal mined. An identical number was mined in 2011. The difference? There were 125,000 coal miners in 1920 but only 25,000 in 2011.
Please banker. Factory closed down in Detroit and Los Angeles and either moved to Mexico or SE Asia. Its no coincidence that violence and the influx of drugs rose in those cities once the factories left
Yeah, it would be interesting to know if more of this is caused by technological advances or simply selling out the home team for cheap labor overseas.

Combination of intelligence and greed. I consider those prized qualities, but it does result in more of a sub-society that looks like a muddy river full of garbage. Try as you might to cordon that off, you're still gonna run into it somewhere. Look who sells the hot dogs at these rich people ballgames.
They sold out the Home team by allowing companies to ship jobs overseas AND gave them Tax breaks in doing so. Now I cant call my bank customer service and speak to somebody whose English is their first second not their third or even fourth
Well, it's the free market. This should make it clear though to all of us rednecks that the rich people of our beloved GOP like Jeb Bush don't give a rat's ass if they stick us out here with a cesspool of Maury show garbage just as long as they get to live in a gated community somewhere and ride around in limos with windows so tinted they don't have to see it all.

They know they can't even win elections anymore. Only running for the campaign money, likely fleeced from stadium churchgoers.
Well, I don't care if they like people at all. I generally don't like them myself, but it would be nice if they would at least look out for their own damn safety. They're so fenced into their million dollar homes that they don't realize the day will come when they take a walk on the beach and get shot by one of these crazy piles of shit they let stay here.
Well, Reds and the Nationals tonight at 7:05. At the end of the day, no matter how freaky or trashy the world out there gets, I will lock the door, sit on the couch and watch the ballgame.

That's what it boils down to for me. Sure, I might get killed some night. It would suck, but I've seen quite a few ballgames already. Got to go to the mountains, down to Tennessee, heard some good hick music for years. Had a nice Buick once. Already over and done.
Its not just not rednecks they don't like, Its anyone that makes less then $1M

^I always laugh at ignorant comments like this.^

I guess we are to assume that those that come in on the middle of the income scale spend their days befriending and hanging out with low income people or welfare bums regularly in order to prove they "like" them.
Fever, your world view and understanding of economic drivers appears very limited and significantly slanted with a democratic lean. Which President signed NAFTA into law, which was the main component of US autoworker jobs to Mexico?

Forgetting that for a moment, because I really don't blame nafta for anything, what about all the Toyota, BMW, Mercedes, etc jobs that have come to the US in the last 30 years? No, those jobs didn't go back to Detroit because those companies didn't want to deal with the unions, but they did help replace those jobs. The reason those plants went to Mexico is because US manufacturers. OD not compete globally due to their cost structure and legacy costs with the unions. It wasn't because of Nixon, Reagan, Clinton or Obama.
Fever has to act like he believes Democrat politicians really like the poor. They don't. They're rich politicians just like the GOP. They live in the same places. Gated mansions, drive limos, rub shoulders with fish egg eaters all day. They want nothing from the poor except their vote, and they'll throw 'em a book of food stamps to get it. The poor are too stupid to know they're being insulted.

But hip hop culture demands that you love Democrats. That's why he thinks they're so great.
Actually I think they are p****. They just sit back and allow Republicans be in the public eye and get voted out of their seat because they are too passive and expect us young people to just up and vote for them

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