Curious about your thoughts on this, Fever


Bronze Buffalo
Sep 12, 2015
Can you tell me what occurred in this photograph of President Trump? I'll give you a hint, it has to do with approving MORE funding for HBCU's than nObama did during his presidency. This so-called racist President did this within the first week of taking office. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?

Idk I didn't go to an HBCU. I'm kind of indifferent on why this is supposed to be celebrated.

To me it's like when a closet racist says :he has a black friend" or when they say "I've had black people in my house"

And their just happy because the HBCU schools have been struggling for a while financially.
A lot of coon Uncle Toms in that pic.

The white people in that picture say they voted for Hilary [sic] but deep down inside you know a couple of them voted for Trump. And Hillary got [sic] her coons too.

Hopefully, those whites aren't in California. One thing I have noticed about white people in California, if your [sic] black and your [sic] educated and professional. [sic] You are very intmidating. And I hope you don't have a cold. White people get mad when they sneeze and you don't say "bless you."
So these are coons or uncle toms. So all Black people should be like Lemmings and not be allowed to think for themselves and then follow the leader(Mr Jackson and others) off a cliff?

That is just stupid. Not saying you are stupid Raleigh, just saying that thought process is stupid.
So these are coons or uncle toms. So all Black people should be like Lemmings and not be allowed to think for themselves and then follow the leader(Mr Jackson and others) off a cliff?

That is just stupid. Not saying you are stupid Raleigh, just saying that thought process is stupid.

See....I'll be nice and help you out. My comments of "coon uncle Tom".......never mind.....

easier to just do this...........


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