
Looking at below photo on CNN. It sures looks like those teachers are at least eating well. By the size of them---very well.
I'm at the capitol in the middle of it. This place is crowded wall to wall from the senate to the house chambers, the entire rotunda, as well as the lawn and streets. Very loud. The 1st Amendment in action.

I can't say I blame the teachers. Hopefully they get what they are wanting.
hope they get the PEIA bullshit taken care of. don't really care about the raise other than it makes it difficult for border counties to retain staffing when they can cross the border and get an instant $5K plus raise.
Mainly looking for a fix for PEIA. I really don't think a feather would have been ruffled if PEIA wasn't touched and no pay raise came down the pike.
PEIA needs totally gutted and revamped. besides in the state of WV, where on earth is it okay for a person making $50K to pay more for the same product than a person making less, say $30K? it's akin to going to the store and you having to pay $6 for a jug of milk versus me paying $2 because you make more money than i. horseshit. want to add something in the premiums regarding age? fine. the older we get the more health issues we have. but, basing it on income isn't right.
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What improved educationally for the students of WV the last time teachers walked out in 1990?

Well, the cirriculum and what is taught is mandated by the counties, state and Fed. The teachers basically take their marching orders from county supervisors.
The issue with WV education is that the state dept of ed is worthless. I used to call on them in a past life and it's a damn Chinese fire drill of incompetence.
Secondly, the parents that bitch about education and their kids education are usually not as smart as the child, never have placed value in their own education or that of their children. Let alone they have never talked to their child's teachers.
Most parents would rather sit at home collecting their govt check, eat their twinkies and watch Povitch or play video games.

My wife's 4th graders are generally more bright than their parents.

She could write a book about the stupid shit she sees and hears.
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I have taken a keen interest in this legislative session and watch the proceedings on PBY.
I have to say, no wonder we are 50th in everything. The arrogance and incompetence on display at the Capitol is mind blowing and concerning at the same time.

What's worse, the ignorant citizens vote them in, year after year.
The state needs to get out of the insurance business. Never going work when you have a shrinking tax base, more retirees than workers, and when you give it away at low cost and have no way to pay for it.

I am not sure what the teachers want up there. They should know there is no such thing as a free lunch. How is dirt poor state that has two generations of people going to give them low cost insurance?

I have yet to hear one person from there state what they are paying for a family plan. Most places in the country that is going to be $700 to $1,000 a month. When you are getting a family for $200 a month it cannot sustained. The state or most employers cannot do that anymore.

Sorry, I don't feel your pain. The problem is they got it for such low cost and or basically negligible cost for so long that they don't understand when it goes up.

Seeing this garbage makes me thankful once again I got out of that mess up there. I am the son and husband of a school teacher and think there is no legitimate beef to walk off your job as a teacher for this.
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I'm sorry I just have a problem with teachers walking out on students. I understand and agree with their grievances just not their methods
here's the thing. they don't want to strike. they don't want to be off work today. because West Virginians try to look after each other, several teachers in different schools went out of their way (and paid out of their own pocket) for food so that poor kids who rely on school meals can eat. i promise you teachers would rather be teaching.

i'm normally against strikes and i'm no fan of today's unions. but i'm actually taking their side on this. could they get a job doing something else? sure. would that hurt the kids even worse? no question. teaching is a hard job to begin with. having to teach kids who eat laundry detergent while detached parents deflect blame for raising monsters makes it worse. good benefits were the trade off for terrible pay. i'm backing the teachers on this one.
I don't even understand their grievances. They still pay less for health insurance than 95% of the US population. Public sector unions should be disbanded. Taxpayers have to rely on idiot politicians to bid on their behalf and all they're trying to do is buy votes for their next election.
here's the thing. they don't want to strike. they don't want to be off work today. because West Virginians try to look after each other, several teachers in different schools went out of their way (and paid out of their own pocket) for food so that poor kids who rely on school meals can eat. i promise you teachers would rather be teaching.

i'm normally against strikes and i'm no fan of today's unions. but i'm actually taking their side on this. could they get a job doing something else? sure. would that hurt the kids even worse? no question. teaching is a hard job to begin with. having to teach kids who eat laundry detergent while detached parents deflect blame for raising monsters makes it worse. good benefits were the trade off for terrible pay. i'm backing the teachers on this one.
But sadly what they are teaching this generation isn't a valuable lesson in civics it's that if you don't get what you want pitch a fit and watch what happens
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But sadly what they are teaching this generation isn't a valuable lesson in civics it's that if you don't get what you want pitch a fit and watch what happens
that's really what you think the kids will take away from this? this is the first strike in three decades. they haven't got what they've wanted for half a century or more. i'm amazed they're as cordial as they are.
I don't even understand their grievances. They still pay less for health insurance than 95% of the US population. Public sector unions should be disbanded. Taxpayers have to rely on idiot politicians to bid on their behalf and all they're trying to do is buy votes for their next election.

The issue is the cost of the PEIA increases. It's exhorbatant. Smaller increases over time would have been accepted, no issue. That and they want to tie the premiums into the total family income. The more a family makes, the more they pay - very Bernie Sanders like.
The pay raise is an after thought to them.

This whole mess has been handled badly by the PEIA Board, the legislature and the teachers unions. Just a clusterbomb.
But sadly what they are teaching this generation isn't a valuable lesson in civics it's that if you don't get what you want pitch a fit and watch what happens

The kids don't give a shit because their parents sit at home and play video games themselves.
The kids don't give a shit because their parents sit at home and play video games themselves.

Maybe their damn parents should teach them something. Lord knows the teachers have to be mommy and daddy along with trying to educate them.
I don't even understand their grievances. They still pay less for health insurance than 95% of the US population. Public sector unions should be disbanded. Taxpayers have to rely on idiot politicians to bid on their behalf and all they're trying to do is buy votes for their next election.
how much on average do they pay for family coverage?
how much on average do they pay for family coverage?
I looked up their rate tables on line. Their insurance is pretty cheap. Wow. they should be pretty happy with those rates. Looks like it is a sliding scale based on income. The higher your income you pay a lot higher, but not too many teachers making 6 figures. Not sure what the beef is when you consider that most people's insurance nationwide took a hit. I can say I am stunned how low their rates are. And they are striking over it? What do they want? For free?
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I don't even understand their grievances. They still pay less for health insurance than 95% of the US population

And they are paid less than 95% of the population with their level of education, experience, and professional certification and training. You want talented teachers? You are going to have to pay for them one way or the other. Double their pay and then charge "the usual" for insurance, or suck it up and let them have cheap insurance as an incentive....because no state is actually going to pay educators what they are worth...we should be glad most educators realize going in they won't be paid what they are worth, because otherwise 95% of Americans would be dumber than shit.
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I think many of us are trying to understand their grievances. I have not seen it clearly spelled out. I see pay ranked #48. Well, WV is a small and poor state that has lost population. I am not sure what else they would expect. It is a relatively low cost of living area. Their benefits are good and low cost.
I don't even understand their grievances. They still pay less for health insurance than 95% of the US population. Public sector unions should be disbanded. Taxpayers have to rely on idiot politicians to bid on their behalf and all they're trying to do is buy votes for their next election.
Their goal is poorly defined and unreasonable. They keep saying to "fix" PEIA. the expected cost of the program this year is in excess of $700M. Most of that is general revenue.

A permanent funding source would have to meet that and keep pace with health care inflation. I just don't see how that is even remotely possible.
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The issue is the cost of the PEIA increases. It's exhorbatant. Smaller increases over time would have been accepted, no issue. That and they want to tie the premiums into the total family income. The more a family makes, the more they pay - very Bernie Sanders like.
The pay raise is an after thought to them.

This whole mess has been handled badly by the PEIA Board, the legislature and the teachers unions. Just a clusterbomb.

PEIA was bankrupt when I left the state 17 years ago. They have been kicking the can down the road for ages. And the teachers union (and their members) has been complacent in knowing of this coming train wreck.

Using the kids education time as a bartering tool when the state is already woefully under educated is malicious.
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I looked up their rate tables on line. Their insurance is pretty cheap. Wow. they should be pretty happy with those rates. Looks like it is a sliding scale based on income. The higher your income you pay a lot higher, but not too many teachers making 6 figures. Not sure what the beef is when you consider that most people's insurance nationwide took a hit. I can say I am stunned how low their rates are. And they are striking over it? What do they want? For free?
