Darwin Award goes to...

I am surprised the Democrats don't try to outlaw fireworks.Several reasons they don't like fireworks. First of they are fun. Second, they make a boom and they can be a hint of danger there. Next, they are often used in celebration of the country and military victory. Finally, I see mostly white people setting them off. I bet that is racist.
Actually, most of the people I follow on social media who were wanting people to take it easy with the fireworks were conservatives.

There were a lot of conservative minded people telling others to think about veterans who suffer from PTSD when letting off their fireworks.

"Anything with a loud boom is disrespectful to the ones who we should be thinking about on this day."

"Please be courteous when letting off your fireworks. You may have combat veterans as neighbors."
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Ok, that sounds like asking to be courteous.

Democrats are the ones that want to outlaw cool stuff. Commie bastards.
Ok, that sounds like asking to be courteous.

Democrats are the ones that want to outlaw cool stuff. Commie bastards.
I didn't see anything about democrats trying to outlaw anything. Again, only my conservative friends were wanting people to not let off the loud fireworks. If the republican party was as free as conservatives like to think they are, I would vote republican.

Neither major party is for getting out of your business. If the fireworks scare off some species of bird, the democrats will want to ban them. If there's some scripture in the bible saying that fireworks are an abomination, republicans will ban them.

They're all Commie bastards.

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