is that one of those netflix or movie channel series?
wife and kids have netflix on their ipads/phones. i gave it a try and binge watched 3 seasons of shooter in the span of 4 days. i'd be up at 2 a.m. watching it. hooked. found myself lounging in the recliner watching hbo/cinemax/etc. until midnight. a quick self realization of how much time i was spending watching television and i ended my trial version of netflix and did away with the movie channels at home. screw that.
i don't fault anybody for putting that much time into watching tv, but found it was becoming an issue for me and my productivity around the house was going to shit.
my bff was going on about deadwood and a couple netflix shows he had been watching and said i'd love them. i'm sure he's right, but i'm done with spending that much time in front of a television. give me an episode or two of some vehicle restoration show and throw in an episode of some northwoods law or texas game warden type show, top it off with watching liberals cry on CNN for entertainment for 15 or 20 mins, and we'll call it an evening.