Decency is on the ballot...

More decency by tolerant liberals...

Your meltdown will be epic when his conviction is overturned and he is elected the 47th President
Wait a minute. You Godless lying trumptards have told us for years that the election was rigged by the dems. Since you been unable to determine how it was rigged or prove it, what makes you think we can't rig the election again?? I mean we've perfected it, amirite? Idiot.
Wait a minute. You Godless lying trumptards have told us for years that the election was rigged by the dems. Since you been unable to determine how it was rigged or prove it, what makes you think we can't rig the election again?? I mean we've perfected it, amirite? Idiot.
Too big to rig this time
Too big to rig this time
What? You Godless lying trumptard. Not only have we proven that we can rig the election without you being able to detect how, we now have rigged a trial and found the innocent man of faith guilty of 34 felonies, defamation, sexual abuse, and fraud. Additionally we have THREE (3) more trials lined up with more serious indictments just in case he avoids prison. Face it, you're just plain stupid.
What? You Godless lying trumptard. Not only have we proven that we can rig the election without you being able to detect how, we now have rigged a trial and found the innocent man of faith guilty of 34 felonies, defamation, sexual abuse, and fraud. Additionally we have THREE (3) more trials lined up with more serious indictments just in case he avoids prison. Face it, you're just plain stupid.
It was determined how dumbass you just choose to ignore the evidence.
It was determined how dumbass you just choose to ignore the evidence.
So, if you know the how and can't correct it, how can you prevent us from doing it again and better this time. You stupid Godless lying trumptard.