Democrats Release Social Security Numbers of Trump Officials

This is the new norm it appears coming from the Marxist state of the democrats. Do what ever they want to try to hurt or destroy the opposition. Heads need to roll on this one but I predict nothing will happen
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On purpose. That is how dirty these people are, including Liz Cheney. She is just out to protect her dad and family for the money they have been bilking on America's wars and such.

Why do you think the establishment hates Trump? Outsider who could expose it all. Or, expose much of it.

Mitch, Bush family, Cheney, Democrats, Biden, Clinton, Obama, etc.

Why do they hate Trump? No becaues he is loud or shoots his mouth off. Because he is threat, an outsider. They don't want outsiders who can expose the game to the American people.

They want people who follow them blindly, as some do on this forum.

The swamp and machine are real. Money makers. Laundering. Feeding the beast. Cover Ups. You name it. All to protect their cash cow and machine.

Covid lied about, shots lied about. Wars lied about. Crooked FBI and intel agencies. All to protect their big slice of the pie.
On purpose. That is how dirty these people are, including Liz Cheney. She is just out to protect her dad and family for the money they have been bilking on America's wars and such.

Why do you think the establishment hates Trump? Outsider who could expose it all. Or, expose much of it.

Mitch, Bush family, Cheney, Democrats, Biden, Clinton, Obama, etc.

Why do they hate Trump? No becaues he is loud or shoots his mouth off. Because he is threat, an outsider. They don't want outsiders who can expose the game to the American people.

They want people who follow them blindly, as some do on this forum.

The swamp and machine are real. Money makers. Laundering. Feeding the beast. Cover Ups. You name it. All to protect their cash cow and machine.

Covid lied about, shots lied about. Wars lied about. Crooked FBI and intel agencies. All to protect their big slice of the pie.
You always talk bad about the better leaders of our country with stuff you have no proof of and defend Trump who has so much evidence against his wrong doing especially all those classified documents he had or still has.
You always talk bad about the better leaders of our country with stuff you have no proof of and defend Trump who has so much evidence against his wrong doing especially all those classified documents he had or still has.
They want people who follow them blindly, as some do on this forum.

Let's see the ones who have brough us uncessary wars, a virus, a cover up of vaccines. How do they get so rich in Congress? Spying on people. screwd up schools, instegating racial divide to the point of riots, armed IRS agents to the point of being bigger than the Marine Corp.

Yehh Trust em.
They want people who follow them blindly, as some do on this forum.

Let's see the ones who have brough us uncessary wars, a virus, a cover up of vaccines. How do they get so rich in Congress? Spying on people. screwd up schools, instegating racial divide to the point of riots, armed IRS agents to the point of being bigger than the Marine Corp.

Yehh Trust em.
Sounds like the Republicans execpt they want people to die rather than get vaccines , they are mostly racist, and exaggerate about the IRS because they are afraid they might have to pay their taxes in a fair way. Who in Congress is not rich. Poor people can not be elected. Republicans have brought us war also.
He had 4 years to expose something...other than you being his suck.
He exposed Biden's corruption in Ukraine and they impeached him for it. FOr what BIden did.

Oh, and where are we now? Ukraine in a war where we are funneling billions of dollars to and most of unaccountable.

He exposed Biden's corruption in Ukraine and they impeached him for it. FOr what BIden did.
And you have the same proof for this idiocy^^^^ that you have for the ballot dumping, forged mail-in ballots, and proof of covid origin...none.
Where do you get all this information from?
Well here is a place you like

Well here is a place you like

Does not prove any wrong doing only that it is hard to track. but you see every day where are weapons are really killing a lot of Russians.
Does not prove any wrong doing only that it is hard to track. but you see every day where are weapons are really killing a lot of Russians.
Yehh and we are losing our ability to do live fire training with certains systems. Why? We sent our stuff to Ukraine. Also getting low on 155 howitzer shells.

Now, the US Army is going to send Bradley fighting vehicles to Ukraine. That is the main fighting vehicle and trasmport system for Army mechized infantry units.

We are stupid and being played. Putting our nation at risk.
Yehh and we are losing our ability to do live fire training with certains systems. Why? We sent our stuff to Ukraine. Also getting low on 155 howitzer shells.

Now, the US Army is going to send Bradley fighting vehicles to Ukraine. That is the main fighting vehicle and trasmport system for Army mechized infantry units.

We are stupid and being played. Putting our nation at risk.
Should this not make for a boom in restocking these weapons? lots of good paying jobs in the future. We are sure to restock them.
Should this not make for a boom in restocking these weapons? lots of good paying jobs in the future. We are sure to restock them.
It could if they do it, but that has not happened yet. Our stockpiles are lower now. What is the end game?

So, we are fighting a proxy war for a boom in sales?
Dems also released the SS #'s of the Governor of South Dakota along with her family's SS #'s

Dems play dirty. Protect the machine at all costs.