deregulation to cause your internet rates set to spike while your


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
despite a recent survey showing that 83 percent of Americans — including 3 out of 4 Republicans — opposed the plan.

The move to deregulate the telecom and cable industry would be a major setback for tech companies, consumer groups and Democrats who lobbied heavily against the decision. And it would be a sweeping victory for Republicans who vowed to roll back the efforts of the prior administration, despite a recent survey showing that 83 percent of Americans — including 3 out of 4 Republicans — opposed the plan.
"..... we will pay more. Service bundles (e.g., social media package, streaming video package) will likely be bolted on to basic transport for things like web surfing and email."
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And it happened...

what you'll do is pay more for less - enjoy your banana republican govt.
So when NN was passed in 2015 rates went down and speeds went up?

No, it ensured things stayed the same dating all the way back to 2005.

Read up on it instead of continually and shamelessly displaying your ignorance.

Without net-neutrality protections, ISPs could block you from streaming video from Netflix or YouTube or charge you extra just to access those sites. They could also force Netflix or YouTube to pay more to ensure that its videos be streamed at the same speed and quality as at other video sites.

Such moves would most likely force you to pay more to view and access the videos and other information you regularly get through the internet. They also could limit your choices if the ISPs block access to particular companies' sites or charge those companies tolls that only the biggest and richest among them can afford.

damn its as bad as I thought - banana republicans are really looking after "the base"
the base being huge conglomerates.
Here you go, despite having no real idea what I’m linking to.

You're welcome.

No thanks. I’m not interested in reading an article promoting a completely bogus premise within the first two paragraphs.

Interestingly when we were explaining the ignorance of this NN hysteria to you basement dwellers a couple years ago, when this was being championed, many like you were promoting a completely different argument.

Nevertheless, the “internet” isn’t free, has never been free. More importantly it was never free for those companies that were investing in their business, buying spectrum and building it’s infrastructure (in order to deliver your 3rd party content).

The idea that companies like Netflix think they shouldn’t be paying higher rates (yes, that’s what this is about) for using someone else’s infrastructure and wants a govt bureaucracy to dictate those rates is anti competitive.
I’ll ask this again for all you net neutrality fans. What did Obama reclassify the internet from title 1 to title 2 under the 1934 telecommunication acts?
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I’ll ask this again for all you net neutrality fans. What did Obama reclassify the internet from title 1 to title 2 under the 1934 telecommunication acts?

If I understand your question correctly, it was because title 1 was not enforceable. (Going on memory here)