Did Comey call off the dogs on Clinton Foundation investigation too?

Walter Brennaneer

Silver Buffalo
May 29, 2001
I'd agree with Democrats that it is a waste of time and tax payer money. No indictment would ever happen even if evidence was overwhelming.
He would have had to "release the dogs" in the first place to be able to call them off..

This entire thing has been a multi million dollar stage production. There will be a new mutation of the flu, an Ebola case in the US, an A-list celebrity come out of the closet, or some other "happening" that steals our goldfish level attention span in the coming days. This will be pushed to the back burner...and business will continue to business....
He made no mention of it.

Just saw Paul Ryan on the tube, he said they are already planning to bring Comey in front of the judicial committee to see how he took the leap of faith from the case he laid out to the conclusion he reached. As a side note, doesn't the FBI findings laid out pretty much prove that Hillary committed perjury in the Senate hearings?
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He made no mention of it.

Just saw Paul Ryan on the tube, he said they are already planning to bring Comey in front of the judicial committee to see how he took the leap of faith from the case he laid out to the conclusion he reached. As a side note, doesn't the FBI findings laid out pretty much prove that Hillary committed perjury in the Senate hearings?

I think so, but I am not an attorney or trying to present as one. She lied several times under oath. There are videos to prove it...played over amd over.

Comey must have gotten a share of Clnton Foundation charity monies.
I seem to recall Hillary using Clinton speak and saying she turned over all in her possession not all of them. Wouldn't that give her an out?
I am advising everyone that the devil you know is the better choice of the two, but by all means feel good by pulling the lever for a third party.

i would vote for the actual Devil before i would willingly give her the chance to put 4 Justices on the SC...