DNC dumpster fire.

Mr sistersville

Green Buffalo
Silver Member
Jul 12, 2024
Oh my gosh. First off folks from 18 to 37 have Trump up 17 points. The8e dems are so fake. These whining women run this party now. The poll l on the 15th will show Harris is still the dumbass who can't answer a question without giggling like a high lesbian. That stupid bitch meeting with world leaders is a disgrace. If she wins she better get herself a pope mobile and as long as she stays in it she can live another day. She is as dangerous as Hitler but put the briefcase as close to the podium as you can get it and hopefully Alexandria Ocasio Cortez will stroke out from the POW POW. DEMOCRATIC PARTY SHOULD CHANGE THEIR SYMBOL TO A PUSSY WITH A SMALL SET OF BALLS HANGING FROM IT. NO wAY americans will elect these men who are women and the women who are airhead bitches 2600.00 waiting for tampon man