Does Marco Rubio live in a dream world?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Says the tide is shifting and the people have spoken.

Dude, congrats on finishing second in VA. Glad the beltway establishment kept it somewhat close.

You are trailing in the polls in your home state.

You haven't won a damn state, son. Trump just cleaned up.
Funny how Rubio did so well in the "less conservative" areas of Virginia. Even the news people covering this stuff noted that they were "less conservative." Pretty much goes along with what I've been saying on here. Less conservative.

He's pretty much not even conservative. The only thing conservative about him is some lip service that he's never acted on. Only thing he's ever done of note is join with liberals for amnesty, which only delivers 12 million more Democrat voters.
He did better than his polling in all states but tx and he did win a state. The race will ultimately be decided March 15 at the next Super Tuesday. Trumps kkk gaffe might play well with the likes of you two but the average person doesn't want their president playing dumb with kkk endorsements
He did better than his polling in all states but tx and he did win a state. The race will ultimately be decided March 15 at the next Super Tuesday. Trumps kkk gaffe might play well with the likes of you two but the average person doesn't want their president playing dumb with kkk endorsements

As Newt Gingrich just said, "Wake up Republicans It is Either Trump or Clinton"

Your choice
Trumps kkk gaffe might play well with the likes of you two but the average person doesn't want their president playing dumb with kkk endorsements

So this is your big issue? Why don't you just admit you're a bigtime liberal Democrat? While you're at it, how about inviting some illegal immigrants and Middle East refugees over for dinner?

Your posts automatically put Melissa Harris-Perry's image in my head. Face it, you're a PMSNBC talking shrill. Bluer than blue. You wanted Rubio so he could go be another gracious loser to your Democrat just like McCain and Romney were.
I probably watch more TV than anyone combined. Can rarely keep it on one channel for 5 minutes though. I'm constantly flipping through the stations. None of them hold my attention too long at once, but together they're a Baskin Robbins like trough of unhealthy greatness.
He did better than his polling in all states but tx and he did win a state. The race will ultimately be decided March 15 at the next Super Tuesday. Trumps kkk gaffe might play well with the likes of you two but the average person doesn't want their president playing dumb with kkk endorsements

Good luck with that and you are offended by the so called KKK thing?

Damn this country is soft. Just go vote for a flower child, Bernie Sanders.
Good luck with that and you are offended by the so called KKK thing?

Damn this country is soft. Just go vote for a flower child, Bernie Sanders.
I'm not the one that said I'd vote for Hillary. And for the record I will support the repub nominee no matter who it is because anyone is better than Hillary. UNLIKE YOU TWO MORONS
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I'm not the one that said I'd vote for Hillary. And for the record I will support the repub nominee no matter who it is because anyone is better than Hillary. UNLIKE YOU TWO MORONS

People like us are making the Republicans better. Putting a little fight in them.