Dont worry Biden is fine. Now the Dumb Bimbo Woman is great!

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
See a pattern here? She was handed the VP. Slot. Handed elections in CA.

She is dumb. Just listen to her.

They told us was Biden was ok. Then, they forced him out. Now they are building up this woman who was handed positions. She is not a deep thinker or strategic at all. No depth to her.

This country actually has people, sheep, that fall for this shit.
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See a pattern here? She was handed the VP. Slot. Handed elections in CA.

She is dumb. Just listen to her.

They told us was Biden was ok. Then, they forced him out. Now they are building up this woman who was handed positions. She is not a deep thinker or strategic at all. No depth to her.

This country actually has people, sheep, that fall for this shit.
As long as they can keep her on the teleprompter and not have her wander off with her own thoughts and words the anyone but Joe narrative will work.