Drexel Prof. that wished for "white genocide" for Xmas


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2007
also hates soldiers

The soldiers reply was awesome.

if you remember the "coon hunting" thread we had a while back about the truck with a decal, the guy that took that picture is constantly taking pics of vehicles in the St. Albans/Charleston area with pro gun, Trump, or similar stickers. he then posts them on FB and mocks them. he posted one with an AR15 decal across the back glass of a pickup and gave it the stereotypical Liberal drilling. i proposed that instead of taking these pictures and running to FB to criticize them that he wait at the side of the vehicle for the owner to return and have a face to face discussion.

the soldier's reply seems applicable there as well.
Keep in perspective, that soldier is not very educated.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Statistics prove that the overwhelming majority of our military members are uneducated. Does that mean every single one is uneducated? No. Does that mean that every single one classified as "uneducated" is a moron. No.

I know that is too difficult for you to understand, just like it is too difficult for you to understand where the wvu board is.

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