Drug Test


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
How do you morons not identify this stuff? For almost everything, both you and trump cover both sides. If you win, then great. It was fair, there were no bogus voting machines, no fake votes, no cheating, etc. If you lose, it's because the other side cheated.

This is trump in 2016 - eight years ago! - saying that Clinton should have to take a drug test before their debate because she was "pumped up" on something:

trump in 2020 saying the same thing about Biden before their debate:

trump in 2024, once again, saying his opponent should have to take a drug test before their debate:

So no matter what happens, he has covered himself. He wins, it was all fair. He loses, it's because the opponent was drugged up.

It's not just debates. It's everything where he could be exposed:
- If he wins an election, it was fair. If he loses, it was because the opponent cheated.
- If he is found innocent (in EVERY SINGLE COURT CASE), it was a fair trial and a witch-hunt. If he is convicted, it's because of a corrupt judge, a tainted jury, and an unethical prosecutor.

The sad thing is that you morons don't identify this and just parrot whatever you're told to say instead of avoiding looking like a moron. Then, you morons say the other side is sheep!
LIABLE on claims of:
falsifying business records
conspiracy to commit insurance fraud
conspiracy to falsify business records
issuing false financial statements
sexual abuse

2 counts of criminal contempt
34 counts of falsifying business records with intent to defraud

Cons: "That's the guy we want to represent the country."
Your point? Pedo-Joe will obviously be on drugs. He beat Hilliary, so who cares? Pedo-Joe, like Hilliary did, has the mainsteam media covering for him, 16 advisers, been hiding at Camp David and is a lying, murdering, oath-breaking POS. Say what you will about Trump. He is an angel compared to Pedo-Joe.
Yeah, I don't recall him saying that in 2016 but I've never been obsessed with Trump like the board libs.

In the case of Dementia Jesus, the accusations held merit in 2020 and even moreso in 2024. And this isn't even remotely debatable.

Our Pullman Chief of Medicine Doc Fungus @-CarlHungus- has essentially performed an eConsult on Biden and declared him to have significant cognitive decline. I trust the Good Doctor on this one as opposed to someone with a closed head injury.
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Your point? Pedo-Joe will obviously be on drugs. He beat Hilliary, so who cares? Pedo-Joe, like Hilliary did, has the mainsteam media covering for him, 16 advisers, been hiding at Camp David and is a lying, murdering, oath-breaking POS. Say what you will about Trump. He is an angel compared to Pedo-Joe.
orange jesus rap sheet:

LIABLE on claims of:
falsifying business records
conspiracy to commit insurance fraud
conspiracy to falsify business records
issuing false financial statements
sexual abuse

2 counts of criminal contempt
34 counts of falsifying business records with intent to defraud

Joe Biden rap sheet: ...

I am voting Donald J. Trump. I don't care about the sham case in NYC or the DNC or Mush Brain Joe Biden.
orange jesus rap sheet:

LIABLE on claims of:
falsifying business records
conspiracy to commit insurance fraud
conspiracy to falsify business records
issuing false financial statements
sexual abuse

2 counts of criminal contempt
34 counts of falsifying business records with intent to defraud

Joe Biden rap sheet: ...

orange jesus rap sheet:

LIABLE on claims of:
falsifying business records
conspiracy to commit insurance fraud
conspiracy to falsify business records
issuing false financial statements
sexual abuse

2 counts of criminal contempt
34 counts of falsifying business records with intent to defraud

Joe Biden rap sheet: ...

Joe Biden not fit to face charges.
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Your point?
My point was very well articulated to people with a minimum of a third-grade reading level. Why don't you try to defend or explain why trump always does this ahead of situations he can look bad in/lose and why you deplorables are so stupid to eat it up and actually believe that he really thinks what he is saying is accurate instead of just feeding you morons excuses ahead of time?
My point was very well articulated to people with a minimum of a third-grade reading level. Why don't you try to defend or explain why trump always does this ahead of situations he can look bad in/lose and why you deplorables are so stupid to eat it up and actually believe that he really thinks what he is saying is accurate instead of just feeding you morons excuses ahead of time?

Well, since the current president can't operate without drugs, it's a legitimate concern and We The People have a right to know. God bless Trump for thinking of us. Also, former doctor of the White House brought it up first. So....It is accurate.

Perhaps you should have a looksee at the bullshit you dumbasses deep throat and have been deep throating for years, from the left, including Pedo-Joe, before you go throwing rocks, dumbass.
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So nothing explaining why he has a history of the drug conspiracy for his opponents going back eight years, why he always plays both sides in case he loses, and why you morons actually believe his conspiracies (that always seems to start with "some people say") instead of being able to identify why he does that?

So eight years = Hilliary and Pedo-Joe? I see what you did there. That's something extralyingdumbass would do.

Very legitimate. Hilliary, like Pedo-Joe, was having trouble standing up and walking. Why not question it? We know the left-controlled MSM weren't going to do their jobs, unless it hurt Trump.
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So eight years = Hilliary and Pedo-Joe? I see what you did there. That's something extralyingdumbass would do.

Very legitimate. Hilliary, like Pedo-Joe, was having trouble standing up and walking. Why not question it? We know the left-controlled MSM weren't going to do their jobs, unless it hurt Trump.
No, why not question why trump uses the same attempt over eight years on multiple opponents?
Fvck me. Come on, man. You're a doctor. At least pretend that you're intelligent.

Why would you even remotely consider this as being accurate? My guess is that it is yet another bogus conspiracy that deplorables and trumpers have created to hedge their bet: just like all of the other things I mentioned, if trump gets his ass kicked (which you deplorables will never admit to regardless, even if he says it), this narrative allows your kind to think things were edited out.

My god.
Fvck me. Come on, man. You're a doctor. At least pretend that you're intelligent.

Why would you even remotely consider this as being accurate? My guess is that it is yet another bogus conspiracy that deplorables and trumpers have created to hedge their bet: just like all of the other things I mentioned, if trump gets his ass kicked (which you deplorables will never admit to regardless, even if he says it), this narrative allows your kind to think things were edited out.

My god.
Conspiracy theories are doing pretty well these days.

The govt and media are so full of shit and corrupt who knows what is true and not. DC will do anything to protects its power. Many things are just a big set of lies, including a lot of the government.
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And just like I expected, the claims were coming from deplorables. This is PERFECTLY aligned with my post last night about how trump and his deplorables not only create fake news to protect themselves if they lose, but their sheep swallow the bait easier than Herdman's daughter used to swallow my load.

Joe Biden not fit to face charges.

orange jesus rap sheet:

LIABLE on claims of:
falsifying business records
conspiracy to commit insurance fraud
conspiracy to falsify business records
issuing false financial statements
sexual abuse

2 counts of criminal contempt
34 counts of falsifying business records with intent to defraud

Joe Biden rap sheet: ...

And just like I expected, the claims were coming from deplorables. This is PERFECTLY aligned with my post last night about how trump and his deplorables not only create fake news to protect themselves if they lose, but their sheep swallow the bait easier than Herdman's daughter used to swallow my load.

Like CNN will tell the truth!

The network that pushed:

No Hunter Laptop
Russia Collusion
Michael Avenatti for President

all while they have some real pervs out there like:

Jeffery Toobin
Don Lemon
and John Griffen
Well, since the current president can't operate without drugs
You're a Godless lying trumpchum sucking idiot.
Also, former doctor of the White House brought it up first. So....It is accurate.
You're a Godless lying trumpchum sucking idiot.
Conspiracy theories are doing pretty well these days.
You're a Godless lying trumpchum sucking idiot oath breaker.
who knows what is true
Absolutely NOT YOU.
I’m honestly wondering if it’s true.

There are other weird rules that people are ?comfirming? This is a NYT guy I think.
Weird rules? Both campaigns agreed to the rules.

If Pepsi won a contract to provide their products at an NFL stadium, do you think they'd allow Coke to also provide their products at the same stadium? CNN is investing significant money on this. Why in the hell would they want print reporters from competitors to have access?

Oh yeah, they are hiding things. Now everyone at the debate is being asked to leave their Cell phones at the door.
Yeah, I can't imagine what issues cell phones at this type of event could cause. Jesus, Stephens - if you're going to be this goddamn stupid, then go sit at the end of the sidewalk in the middle of the yard.
My point was very well articulated to people with a minimum of a third-grade reading level. Why don't you try to defend or explain why trump always does this ahead of situations he can look bad in/lose and why you deplorables are so stupid to eat it up and actually believe that he really thinks what he is saying is accurate instead of just feeding you morons excuses ahead of time?

Sounds to me like it's the same approach Hollywood uses when they re-release a new show or movie that they altered significantly...usually inserting some sort of social issue or diversity casting that isn't necessary.
They just blame the failure (ahead of the release) on the racist people not seeing the product or fearful men of a "strong, independent woman." "If you don't see the movie, you don't support ____(whatever social theme the movie has)" when the reality is, the movie is total shit regardless.

Of course, if it works out for them, great, social issues will continue to be implemented and woke BS will thrive.

If not? "It's your fault, you Nazi pig!"

Trump is going to have an excuse for anything that doesn't go his way. If he doesn't, his supporters will find something.

What shocks me is how the media spins everything he does as some sort of crime or screw up when much of it isn' can they not patiently just let the guy screw up inevitably?
They keep flinging mud as someone made from it, stop doing that and let people start to realize they're smelling shit, not mud.
It's why there's such a strong argument to the flaws of Biden, the media doesn't report it, it naturally happens and people see it...he screws up naturally and often.

It's annoying we are forced to watch this debate between two octogenarian reprobates because we can't trust the news to give us anything close to an honest take on it.
Weird rules? Both campaigns agreed to the rules.

If Pepsi won a contract to provide their products at an NFL stadium, do you think they'd allow Coke to also provide their products at the same stadium? CNN is investing significant money on this. Why in the hell would they want print reporters from competitors to have access?

Yeah, I can't imagine what issues cell phones at this type of event could cause. Jesus, Stephens - if you're going to be this goddamn stupid, then go sit at the end of the sidewalk in the middle of the yard.
^^same haircut as bozo the clown^^

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