ECU going for broke. Vying to get into the Big 12. And so should we. Marshall has nothing to lose by making an effort to get into the B12. Foremost, if not successful, it's set the stage and prepares us for a bid into the ACC (in the event the B12 implodes in a couple of years) and it prepares us to make a "get-in or die" bid to the AAC. Regarding the B12, "you are who you aspire to be" attitude should be our mantra. Sure, we have no chance but by expressing interest, we capture the interest of the ACC and the AAC who sees it and says: "Marshall is trying to go big time, what have we missed?" Steve Williams is making great strides making Huntington relevant, safe and I dare say, expanding economically. If we get Brad (Intiut), Jim (billionaire), Chris (multimillionaire) and Don (disgraced but still a multimillionaire) to at least give the appearance that they are willing to cut big checks, then we have achieved our goal of being relevant. Call it a dress rehearsal of sorts. Mike is making friends in his new position on the NCAA. Sure, WVU will block in every way they can, but our national politicians would never turn their backs on us. One even while governor put political pressure to make the series happen. He will not back off if he can help. Sometimes you engage in campaigns, not to win the first race... but to win the next race. BTW, Huntington/Charleston is 64th in TV market nationally. If we can sell it as our market, this will help. Think big, be big! Think small, remain small....