Edward Snowden Wants to Come Home

He is a traitor. He was careless in his actions. Went outside of his work chain of command or even proper reporting officials if he had concerns. He shared information with foreign adversaries and he put American lives in danger by exposing American operations and secrets.. He is 100% without a doubt a traitor.
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Traitor but validated what I’ve known for years, the Government can’t be trusted and neither can those who are deeply entrenched in it.
Snowden initially went through the proper chain of command to express his concerns. All during the while many a government official lied his/her ass off (sometimes under oath) regarding the existence of many of these programs. They otherwise refused to act upon those concerns. Thank you Snowden for being a true patriot in attempting to preserve our liberties via the fourth amendment.
Snowden initially went through the proper chain of command to express his concerns. All during the while many a government official lied his/her ass off (sometimes under oath) regarding the existence of many of these programs. They otherwise refused to act upon those concerns. Thank you Snowden for being a true patriot in attempting to preserve our liberties via the fourth amendment.
Yehh thanks for telling enemies, including terrorist how we watch and listen to them and thanks for damn near getting people killed.
He should have stuck with selectively releasing files to the American press and been willing to pay the price for acting on his conscience. .
He should have looked at dead bodies of American's after 9-11 and said I am going to help ourguys kill these ****ers. He knew the job going into it and he signed up for it.
Yehh thanks for telling enemies, including terrorist how we watch and listen to them and thanks for damn near getting people killed.

Thanks Snowden for also informing the American public how the government watches and listens to its own citizens without any niceties of a search warrant. I'm sure you would have been a big fan of King George III's General Search Writs leading up to the American Revolution.
Thanks Snowden for also informing the American public how the government watches and listens to its own citizens without any niceties of a search warrant. I'm sure you would have been a big fan of King George III's General Search Writs leading up to the American Revolution.
No, I was on America's side during the revolution. Snowden screwed a lot of people. That was not his place to do that.
No, I was on America's side during the revolution. Snowden screwed a lot of people. That was not his place to do that.

And a lot of people (including James Clapper and others) screwed over the American public with blatant violations of otherwise bedrock constitutional rights.

So who's place was it to acknowledge those unconstitutional actions in the name of "national defense"?
He should have looked at dead bodies of American's after 9-11 and said I am going to help ourguys kill these ****ers. He knew the job going into it and he signed up for it.

Yeah, you really haven't read some of the stuff he exposed....

And that's the whole point. He could have exposed that stuff, which honestly every nerd in the country figured was being done but had no way to prove it, and still not have shared anything important with foreign enemies.
Yeah, you really haven't read some of the stuff he exposed....

And that's the whole point. He could have exposed that stuff, which honestly every nerd in the country figured was being done but had no way to prove it, and still not have shared anything important with foreign enemies.
I know what he exposed.
You don't take an oath to uphold a government ... you take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

And the Constitution specifically defines our government. You can't defend the Constitution without at least indirectly also defending the government. I certainly saw no difference when I took that oath, back then and now.

Stop trying to cherry pick to defend this traitor.
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Nope, you defend the government if it complies with our Constitution. My guess is people such as you and Herdy (to keep people "safe") view the book 1984 as an instruction manual. Very sad as well that neither of you can make a distinction between what the government does against people who are citizens of other nations vis a vis what the government does against its own citizens.

So again .... who was supposed to address those unconstitutional actions that Snowden blew the whistle on? James Clapper? If you find the U.S. government has been wiretapping millions of its own citizens without a warrant, who blows the whistle?
Nope, you defend the government if it complies with our Constitution. My guess is people such as you and Herdy (to keep people "safe") view the book 1984 as an instruction manual. Very sad as well that neither of you can make a distinction between what the government does against people who are citizens of other nations vis a vis what the government does against its own citizens.

So again .... who was supposed to address those unconstitutional actions that Snowden blew the whistle on? James Clapper? If you find the U.S. government has been wiretapping millions of its own citizens without a warrant, who blows the whistle?
Not some community college hack that thought he was going to be some knight in shining armor and damaged the security of the USA. Not the hack who went on foreign soil to reveal it and then became a pawn of another country. Who was he working for?

You don't reveal things that you have signed a NDA agreement on to the level he did where it went beyond his concerns. He put the USA and real people at risk.

There is a difference between being a person that is a hero and revealing abuses and traitor who revealed top secret information that went beyond that scope. If he didn't like the job he should have left or not taken it to start with. You don't go tell the Russians or sit in Hong Kong doing that.

What would you say if there was a some intel guy in the military who didn't like a particular battle plan lets say against Al Qeada because he didn't like the way it was being carried out or suddenly decided war was cruel and we were going to bomb a village. Would you like them revealing that info because all of the sudden they wanted to play on the moral high ground?
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Nope, you defend the government if it complies with our Constitution. My guess is people such as you and Herdy (to keep people "safe") view the book 1984 as an instruction manual. Very sad as well that neither of you can make a distinction between what the government does against people who are citizens of other nations vis a vis what the government does against its own citizens.

So again .... who was supposed to address those unconstitutional actions that Snowden blew the whistle on? James Clapper? If you find the U.S. government has been wiretapping millions of its own citizens without a warrant, who blows the whistle?

So, when did you take the oath?
I know what he exposed.

Cool. Tell me how the government receiving and storing mine and your phone records and text messages is helping kill those fvckers. Or spying on us as we play video games. Or storing our internet activity (God help us all if the Religious Right gets their theocracy and starts rounding up the Pr0n watchers).
Cool. Tell me how the government receiving and storing mine and your phone records and text messages is helping kill those fvckers. Or spying on us as we play video games. Or storing our internet activity (God help us all if the Religious Right gets their theocracy and starts rounding up the Pr0n watchers).

Ever notice how Alexa lights up green whenever you speak? She’s recording everything you say.
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Is this really the hill you wish to die on?

Hey @i am herdman , we found one that would follow orders to take our guns.

What the hell is the matter with you? No one is saying we would promote taking guns away from citizens. I'm saying you don't commit crimes against your own government, you Trump deranged fool.
No ... you don't commit crimes in violation of the U.S. Constitution. A contract you signed with your employer doesn't not absolve you of your duty to address those who violate the Constitution.

So again Herdy ..... who was supposed to blow the whistle on the U.S. Government conducting surveillance on millions of its own citizens without probable case?
What the hell is the matter with you? No one is saying we would promote taking guns away from citizens. I'm saying you don't commit crimes against your own government, you Trump deranged fool.

Why do you get to pick and choose which of the amendments the government can violate against its own citizens? Second amendment, fourth amendment? Really sad that you believe your rights come from our government and not from our Constitution. The Founders would be rolling in their graves right now.
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Cool. Tell me how the government receiving and storing mine and your phone records and text messages is helping kill those fvckers. Or spying on us as we play video games. Or storing our internet activity (God help us all if the Religious Right gets their theocracy and starts rounding up the Pr0n watchers).
Maybe over a beer. Not here.:D
Why do you get to pick and choose which of the amendments the government can violate against its own citizens? Second amendment, fourth amendment? Really sad that you believe your rights come from our government and not from our Constitution. The Founders would be rolling in their graves right now.

I'm arguing your bullshit statement that military members swear an oath to defend the constitution and absolutely nothing to do with the US Govt.

Again I ask, when did you take your oath?
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I'm arguing your bullshit statement that military members swear an oath to defend the constitution and absolutely nothing to do with the US Govt.

Again I ask, when did you take your oath?
Guess old FAG2 supported the Confederacy as they were defending their states rates and powers left to the states specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
Enlisted members actually take an oath that defends the constitution and they will obey orders of the President of the USA and the officers appointed over them. Unless any of them are Alan Dershowitz and are willing to hang from a rope or die by firing squad I suggest they follow the orders given to them.:)

Military commissioned officers actually take a direct oath to the Constitution. But unless they are Alan Dershowitz or are willing to die by firing squad hang from a rope or pound rocks as a butter bar LT in Leavenworth I don't they are going to die on Snowden's Hill.:D

Nobody says our govt is perfect but Snowden is a traitor plain and simple.
Guess old FAG2 supported the Confederacy as they were defending their states rates and powers left to the states specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

Wrong again ..... as you still believe one's rights come from a government and not from the Constitution. As the Confederacy was created to preserve the enslavement of millions of others, that entity would be abhorrent to natural law.
I'm arguing your bullshit statement that military members swear an oath to defend the constitution and absolutely nothing to do with the US Govt.

Again I ask, when did you take your oath?

Poor ol' mlblack16 believes the government creates your rights .... and not your natural rights as reflected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There is no distinction between the rights of U.S. citizens vs. non-citizens when you act on behalf of the U.S. government, amarite?

So when the actions of certain members of the U.S. government against its own citizens conflict with our Constitution, these members take priority? As another poster said ... Stalin would approve 100%.

So again .... who should have blown the whistle on the U.S. government engaging in mass warrantless surveillance of its own citizens? Herdy won't answer that one.

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