Dear, god, the failure of WV's education system is showcased on a daily basis around here.
Frankly, I miss the 70's and 80's.
I am waiting for one of you all to say we should go back to riding horses.
Seriously though...look at these pictures of pollution in the 1970s. The EPA did its job. I’m not saying that the pendulum didn’t swing too far in the other direction and that didn’t have a negative impact on business, but businesses left unfettered valued profit over he safety of both its employees and those who had to drink the water and breathe the air that they polluted.
Cleveland in 1973...
New York City in early 1970s...
Sulfur pollution from a plant in Alabama...
Who can forget that the Cuyahoga River caught on fire. That probably wouldn't hurt anyone...
And not just near the big cities...
And in case you missed good old chemical Valley...just a few miles from where I was is life in the Kanawha Valley circa 1970s...
Life before the EPA...those weeere the days my friend...
it should be noted that we have to go back 50 years for the horror stories. I guess you guys address environmental much like race....just keep it going even if addressed.
And sorry guys, but posting a grainy picture of a smoke stack doesn't mean a thing.
Seriously, using 1970/80's era Polaroids and faded Fuji Film pictures. Oh, and they have been scanned.And sorry guys, but posting a grainy picture of a smoke stack doesn't mean a thing.
Yeah that's great. I'm sure you can provide me a specific example, right?
Seriously, using 1970/80's era Polaroids and faded Fuji Film pictures.
And sorry guys, but posting a grainy picture of a smoke stack doesn't mean a thing.
So, are you seriously contending that we will return to those pollution levels? The EPA needed a roll back. Spoiler alert— we aren’t returning to those pollution levels. Not even closeAre you even following the argument? Going back 50 years is the whole point. These pictures illustrate what was happening to the the environment prior to the effects of the of the EPA. The EPA eliminated everything you see in the pictures. Now Trump is rolling back tons of the EPA standards that brought about the quality we enjoy today.
Saying that we have to go back 50 years is like saying that showing stats on infant mortality from 100 years ago somehow negates the argument against vaccines. Your statement makes absolutely no sense.
Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler on Tuesday argued