Everyone deserves a Blue ribbon

This is the bullshit Walden was talking about in the Commie thread.

Mom is upset because her daughter is a loser. Tough shit. This is what it's all about, winners & losers. Some losers end up being sore losers. I like sore losers. I like to laugh at them and call them losers.

That commie Senator wants everybody to be a winner. It won't work, but they'll try to make it work. More free stuff for the thugs and free loaders.

I should have just stayed in the holler 35 years ago. I would have been dead by now, but at least I wouldn't have been forced to watch all of this bullshit.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Mom is upset because her daughter is a loser. Tough shit. This is what it's all about, winners & losers. Some losers end up being sore losers. I like sore losers. I like to laugh at them and call them losers.
I agree that this kid and mother needs to learn a lesson about how life works. She lost...get over it. If you don't like losing...get better. That's the way it works and you better prepare your kids for life if you teach them that early.

But Michigan...really? Are you insecure?