evolution you can see

Evolution is irrefutable. You can argue timelines and the intricacies but the evidence for the framework of evolution is overwhelming.
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Adaptation, survival of the fittest, evolution. Z

People get hung up on evolution and religion, but the two have nothing to do with each other, unless you are crazy and believe man evolved from apes or some such nonsense. Of course there's evolution. People today are significantly taller, faster and stronger than they were a couple hundred years ago. Sure, giraffes have longer necks now than they did 100s of years ago. Living things adapt to habitat and other changes through breeding for desired traits. Given a long enough period of time, the changes can be remarkable. If nature doesn't require a change, no change occurs. That's why animals like alligators have been in their present form for a 1,000+ years. It's why they haven't had to change the tag line for the Kentucky Derby to the most exciting one minute and 30 seconds in sports despite advances in training and nutrition for the horses.

With that said, there aren't any short neck giraffes anymore unless it's a genetic mutation. If something evolves, the form it evolved from ceases to exist. Given that, I don't understand how anyone can believe that man evolved from some type ape.
I have a question EG...what are the bible's eplanation on Neanderthals, Erectus, Australopithecus, etc? Were they humans whe descended from Adam and Eve or were they animals like any others?

Also note that I'll gladly debate this respectfully.
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I have a question EG...what are the bible's eplanation on Neanderthals, Erectus, Australopithecus, etc? Were they humans whe descended from Adam and Eve or were they animals like any others?

Also note that I'll gladly debate this respectfully.

How does the origin of species explain civil unrest, space exploration, and drug addiction?
How does the origin of species explain civil unrest, space exploration, and drug addiction?

An intelligent specie arose out of all of the millions of species both living and extinct that had the ability to create technology and drugs. Because they had the ability to make free choices some of them evolved the technology to the point that they could actually figure out how to get off the planet. Some of the sapiens made the choice to take the drugs that gave them a feeling of euphoria? And civil unrest? Animals don't get along. I don't have a clue how that disproves evolution. If anything it proves it.

You left my question unanswered.
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I have to be away for a few hours so I'll respond more later. But I'll leave this. The origin of species through mutation and natural selection was devised by Darwin way before the ability to understand and track human genetics. It was developed way before dating become so precise. There were not nearly as extensive fossil records as there is today. There was no understanding of plate tectonics during Darwin's day. we continue to advance all of this technology and science, Evolution is confirmed with every advance. Scientist are able to make predictions across disciplines of science that are upheld with astonishing accuracy.

The bottom line is that in the entirety of our fossil records, the evolution from simple to complex is upheld with every find. Scientist can predict where to look through migration patterns and what level to find certain fossils and discover that they fall in line with what they predicted. Marsupials is a classic example. The fossil record shows that they originated in South America. They are also found in Australia but look entirely different and are found to date much later than the South American marsupials. Understanding that continents use to be joined (South America, Antarctica, Australia) in what was known as Pangea scientist were able to predict that fossil records that fall in between marsupials of South America and Australia should be found in Antarctica at certain levels that corresponded between the dates of the two continents marsupial records. Guess what? They looked and they found fossils in Antarctica that dated between the two continents just as they predicted and the marsupial was within the evolutionary line of the two. They knew how deep to search in the strata (because of the dating) and what the marsupial would look like. Predictions based on theory that crossed over disciplines of science.

Evidence for evolution is overwhelming.
When any rational person sees a space ship, automobile, a chainsaw, or a pencil, they will quickly agree that those things were designed. But when they look at a human being that has the ability to think, choose, create, procreate, has a body that can self heal, learn from the past, examine current situations, and predict outcomes, is actually alive, and is the most intricate thing on the planet and possibly the universe, why, that surely had no designer, but was introduced by chance.
The ability to think, procreate, and self heal are classic examples of evolution. And humans and animals aren't designed too intelligently. I'll resist the use of the "waste dump is way too close to the playground" analogy, but our body is full of imperfections that have little to do with survival and reproduction (the only thing that matters in evolution). The giraffe has the laryngeal nerve going from its brain all the way down to his heart and wraps around and goes all the way back up the neck to the larynx to get to a place it passed three inches from where it started. It covers 20 feet more than necessary. That makes no sense in terms of ID but perfect sense when you follow it back its evolutionary path to its ancestors.

Women's reproductive tracks are poorly designed. Fallopian pregnancies can occur due to poor design. The birth canal is certainly not the result great engineering. We breath and eat and drink out of the same tube making us susceptible to choking. Vestigial body parts are found not only in humans but throughout the animal kingdom. They serve no purpose and are merely leftover remnants of earlier ancestors.

Design through evolution allows and explains these imperfections. Evolution isn't a path to perfect. It's a path dictated by survival and reproduction. And when the environmental pressures favor certain traits that improve the chance of reproduction those traits are passed on. over time huge changes are made.
No one mentioned the body or mind being perfect. If it was perfect, we wouldn't die. Still it is the most intricate of any physical thing in the known universe. And the mind is more intricate than the body. We don't even know how it works. The thought that some mindless organism could develop a mind is beyond our comprehension. Even the capabilities of our mind is unknown at present. Imagine for a moment how it is possible for a placebo to often make us feel better or actually eliminate a condition. No. We are not a result of chance.
Science offers explanations and constantly evolves evidence to confirm their belief. We see evidence in dna, the fossil records, first hand observation, etc. But I'm hearing you say that since we're so complex we just had to be a result of intelligent design. Because we are so smart we just had to be a result of a master architect.

Yet this master architect created men that were capable of terrible atrocities. For all the wonder you attribute to man as confirmation of design, how do you reconcile the bad things? We are capable of genocide. We die by the millions of terrible disease. Millions are born with deformities and retardation. If we attribute intelligent design because of complexities that lead us to awe shouldn't the bad things prove the opposite? Or as I suspect will you accept the complexity and wonder of our achievement as proof and explain away the disease and atrocity as God's will.

Evolution is a cold b****. It favors no specie and allows for flaws in as much as it doesn't impede its ability to reproduce.
Not that we are so smart, but that we are so intricate in body and mind. Your point that it is not perfect has already been noted. That doesn't change the fact that the 2 are incredibly fascinating and the workings of the mind in particular are more or less incomprehensible in those that have it. If you think about it, it is mind boggling to consider that we are discussing what? Two different view points of how our species originated. How many times have you been asked a question that you know the answer to but can't remember the answer at the moment, and then hours or days, weeks later, the answer to the question just pops into mind. It is obvious the mind has continued it's attempt to remember the answer to the question while we went about our business in other matters and giving the question no more attention. Nope. Something as wonderful as the mind is not chance.
Lies, a magical man in the sky made everything.

Nope. Man came from magic mud and an errant flash of life giving lightning. And somehow those magic first organisms decided they wanted to live on, and so decided to develop a way to consume something, and convert that something to energy, and then develop a way to dispose of the waste. And then learning they had a finite life span, they decided they must procreate to continue their kind and developed ways to do that. And then they all got together and decided to colonize, you know, because. And they looked around and decided they wanted to be a higher life form, and so they changed themselves and made it so. And they did all this without a mind. And here you guys are.
No one mentioned the body or mind being perfect. If it was perfect, we wouldn't die. Still it is the most intricate of any physical thing in the known universe. And the mind is more intricate than the body. We don't even know how it works. The thought that some mindless organism could develop a mind is beyond our comprehension. Even the capabilities of our mind is unknown at present. Imagine for a moment how it is possible for a placebo to often make us feel better or actually eliminate a condition. No. We are not a result of chance.
will that make you feel better when you burn in hell?

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