Exercise pill?

And let me observe, that IF this were ever to come to fruition, that the biggest naysayers will be those who exercise and diet to stay fit. It's the one thing they like to use to feel superior over those who don't. Just kidding...kinda.
I hate science articles in newspapers.

Anyway, you've basically already got this with HGH. IF this pans out in ten or twenty years it could be good for people that have health problems but I doubt you'll see the average joe popping these.

Edit: This is different than HGH in that it's mainly just a pill to increase your metabolism. That could be useful if it works and is safe but it isn't going to give you any benefits of a workout other than calories burned.
The effects of exercise are so complex (hormone manipulation, insulin sensitivity, adaptations made by muscle for hypertrophy, on and on and on), I highly doubt one pill could do all of that. There are drastically different biochemical processes going on there, so inhibiting one enzyme is not likely to do all of that.

This compound looks to have some insulin sensitivity/metabolism effects. In a broad sense, there are products on the market now that can do similar things (metformin, phentermine). They work for some obese people, but no one is going to get jacked from this pill.
I think weight loss would be the biggest benefit. But yeah....and how many studies showed successful results in rats/mice that didn't translate to humans?