Exorcism Goes Wrong: Christian Man Saves Child From Killer Christian Mother

Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
A Christian mother who was performing an exorcism on her daughter trying to rid her of demons was arrested for attempted homicide after showing handfuls of sand in her eyes and mouth, as well as biting her, choking her viciously striking her and hitting her on the head with driftwood. The daughter has many injuries including severe damage to her ear.

A small crowd gathered to watch. A man, who claims that God sent him there to save the girl, fought the mother off of the daughter.

So, on one hand, we have a Christian mother who was simply doing what her god instructed and helping rid demons from her daughter. On the other hand, we have a Christian man who claims his god sent him there to stop the mother's god-instructed attack.

Your god seems to be playing both sides of the fence on this one:

I don't know why I have to explain this so often to board morons.

A misstroke while typing doesn't mean that a person doesn't have the intelligence on how to spell something correctly. It means he wears size 13 shoes and, like all of his appendages, has large fingers.

Making a very common grammar error of not knowing the difference between "to" and "too" isn't a misstroke. It's reflective of a person's intelligence.
I don't know why I have to explain this so often to board morons.

A misstroke while typing doesn't mean that a person doesn't have the intelligence on how to spell something correctly. It means he wears size 13 shoes and, like all of his appendages, has large fingers.

Making a very common grammar error of not knowing the difference between "to" and "too" isn't a misstroke. It's reflective of a person's intelligence.
Three paragraphs of bull shi* instead of just saying wow my bad or I ****ed up or even just ignoring.

Damn it. Get a job already.:p
Either a christian woman with a brain injury or simply a woman. Or did you dig up a story out of the OT..Please understand we are not under the law for salvation.
The "w" isn't anywhere near the "v" key (at least on my keypad), so your excuse about making an incorrect keystroke is complete bullshit.
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The "w" isn't anywhere near the "v" key (at least on my keypad), so your excuse about making an incorrect keystroke is complete bullshit.

Which doesn't exclude it from being a misstroke. I can intend to hit the space bar yet end up hitting the "y" key way above it and it still be a misstroke. Sure, keys closer to each other tend to be the culprit more often, but it doesn't mean a wild finger can't accidentally hit the wrong key. It isn't debatable that I know the difference in meaning between "showing" and "shoving." What is highly debatable is that you don't know the difference between "to" and "too" and "your" and "you're" which are two of the three biggest errors morons on here make.
I'd go with the auto correct on this one Rifle

It very well could be. That's the point. Nobody is claiming I don't know the difference between the two. On the other hand, if you make repeated errors regarding commonly misspelled/misused words like too/too, your/you're, its/it's, etc., like he has, it isn't a case of a misstroke

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