

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Sir, take as long as you need on your sabbatical. I am holding the fort down. They are so flustered that they are stabbing each other in the back, talking shit about each other, and showing just how disjointed deplorables really are.

Read the proof below. Most of them are taking jabs at 1988 for being worthless. WV-Fan is taking jabs at 1988, 30cat, and Michigan. Michigan is taking jabs at Big Country, 1988, Murox, '429, and Muthed. MLBlack is taking jabs at both WV-Fan and 30cat. Some of them are doing it behind their backs. The deplorables are being deplorable, have shown no loyalty, and are flustered knowing that trump is going to lose.

You’re such a little bitch. Seriously, you behave in a way that men just don’t act. It’s embarrassing.
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You’re such a little bitch. Seriously, you behave in a way that men just don’t act. It’s embarrassing.
I'm the "little bitch" for exposing how deplorable, disloyal, and untrustworthy you all are? Since so many of you deplorables have short memories and lack basic intelligence, I am exposing the truth to you all. You all should be thanking me.

Rifle has no power or authority here. He cannot authorize your return, so don't be fooled by your emotional support lib.

He (Rifle) has absolutely come unglued and this is clear by his desperate posts, some are clips of convos from 10 years ago, when fellow Patriots like @30CAT and @WV-FAN were enemies due to football rivalries.
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Rifle has no power or authority here. He cannot authorize your return, so don't be fooled by your emotional support lib.

He (Rifle) has absolutely come unglued and this is clear by his desperate posts, some are clips of convos from 10 years ago, when fellow Patriots like @30CAT and @WV-FAN were enemies due to football rivalries.

10 years ago? Proof of that claim? That's your attempt? That it was allegedly a long time ago?

Oh, so there is a time expiration on shit-talking about people behind their backs? It shows your emotional instability to make such critical comments about people you now include in your circle-jerks. What is your excuse for all of the other shit-talking between deplorables on here? Is their excuse also going to falsely be that they were a long time ago?
Message boards are apparently serious business. I just get on here to blow off steam and shoot the shit. I actually like you all.

You guys are DMing each other?

* caveat - I did once DM Raoul to ask him about some bourbon thing and didn’t want to doxx myself.
You guys are DMing each other?
Not really "each other." As you can see, the discussions are pretty one-sided. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that these deplorables are disloyal to each other, flustered, and try to suck up to me as much as they can when nobody is looking.

They are all a bunch of Lindsey Grahams until they get alone with me.
10 years ago? Proof of that claim? That's your attempt? That it was allegedly a long time ago?

Oh, so there is a time expiration on shit-talking about people behind their backs? It shows your emotional instability to make such critical comments about people you now include in your circle-jerks. What is your excuse for all of the other shit-talking between deplorables on here? Is their excuse also going to falsely be that they were a long time ago?
I can literally hear the blood dripping from your Vag.

Guys like @WV-FAN @big_country90 @Archetype XLIV @30CAT from TiTM are now allies, and you were pulling quotes from before that board was shut down, which was probably in 2014 or 2015, so yeah like a decade ago.

Nobody gives a shit anymore about WVU vs Marshall in football. This is Pullman, where it's Patriots vs America-hating liberals, like you.
Message boards are apparently serious business. I just get on here to blow off steam and shoot the shit. I actually like you all.

You guys are DMing each other?

* caveat - I did once DM Raoul to ask him about some bourbon thing and didn’t want to doxx myself.

Rifle likes to take ALL the credit for Intel work he is incapable of doing.

Convos outside of TiTM and Pullman were exclusively him trying to get information from and about other posters.
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Not really "each other." As you can see, the discussions are pretty one-sided. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that these deplorables are disloyal to each other, flustered, and try to suck up to me as much as they can when nobody is looking.

They are all a bunch of Lindsey Grahams until they get alone with me.

I'm a proud deplorable and I don’t suck up to you in the least, no matter who's looking, Pedo-puss.
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I can literally hear the blood dripping from your Vag.

Guys like @WV-FAN @big_country90 @Archetype XLIV @30CAT from TiTM are now allies, and you were pulling quotes from before that board was shut down, which was probably in 2014 or 2015, so yeah like a decade ago.

Nobody gives a shit anymore about WVU vs Marshall in football. This is Pullman, where it's Patriots vs America-hating liberals, like you.
Uh huh. Hey, whatever makes you feel better about all of the unsolicited shit-talking you did towards them.

Do you think the others outed on here are going to use the same excuse knowing their posts are still on here and date stamped? I think they will be more manly than you, accept what they did, and not make excuses.

Rifle likes to take ALL the credit for Intel work he is incapable of doing.
Stop. The black SUVs were the driving force behind all of the espionage I led.

Your lover, Geauxherd (forgot about him talking shit), even kept telling me good work. I guess that blows your lie away, huh?

Convos outside of TiTM and Pullman were exclusively him trying to get information from and about other posters.
Why do you make such obvious lies that you know I can disprove quickly? This is you messaging me, introducing yourself to me, and saying you have gotten info on 30cat, and trying to get me to use that info:

And this is your lover, Geauxherd, doing the same to me:

So were the convos "exclusively" me "trying to get information . . . about other posters," or was it you reaching out to me trying to 1) give me information and 2) request information? What I just showed proves the latter, making you a liar.

Oh, and here is your lover shit-talking Arche' and trying to get me to post more personal information about him, which I refused to do:

Do you want to call your public relations team, regroup with the proof that has just been presented, and come back to the board with a more honest, more accurate apology?
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deer lowered, how are you not embarrassed of yourself? you call it exposing posters by quoting posts that most everybody has already read? take a lap, screech . . .

ho lee shit, you need a rest.
The boat of you deplorables has a huge hole in it and is taking on more water than your niece takes in cum on a usual Friday night. My last post just destroyed Meg Black's attempt at lying to try and cover his ass.

You are now embarrassed that your shit-talking of your fellow deplorables just got exposed.

You deplorables have no loyalty, stomp all over the G-code, and are a bunch of no good, selfish, back-stabbing little bitches.
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I'm not embarrassed about a goddamn thing. You're digging up shit from almost an entire decade ago and making yourself look like a desperate clown 🤡 in the process.

And those of us who know are well aware it was TBGMH Detective agency that did the work.

Whatever that fag @GeauxHerd is referring to is giving you credit no doubt for info you were spoon-fed by someone else.

You didn't get TiTM shut down, @GeauxHerd @MichiganHerd and Banker @Rock98Dog and I all get credit for that one.
Sir, take as long as you need on your sabbatical. I am holding the fort down. They are so flustered that they are stabbing each other in the back, talking shit about each other, and showing just how disjointed deplorables really are.

Read the proof below. Most of them are taking jabs at 1988 for being worthless. WV-Fan is taking jabs at 1988, 30cat, and Michigan. Michigan is taking jabs at Big Country, 1988, Murox, '429, and Muthed. MLBlack is taking jabs at both WV-Fan and 30cat. Some of them are doing it behind their backs. The deplorables are being deplorable, have shown no loyalty, and are flustered knowing that trump is going to lose.

Wow? You have got it bad. Makes me chuckle. I don't care about any of that. Only thing I noticed was wv fan taking a few shots, I generally ignore him and could care less what he thinks of me. It seems he might seek my attention, much like you. Hey, you should feel good about that, I basically ignore him but I do take the time to mock and ridicule you. Take the win. Oh and also quit acting like a bitch.
I'm not embarrassed about a goddamn thing. You're digging up shit from almost an entire decade ago and making yourself look like a desperate clown 🤡 in the process.
I just exposed you for lying in this very thread. Not embarrassed? That’s because you’re a deplorable and shameless.

It’s bad enough that you got exposed talking shit on multiple people on your own side. But it’s entirely different to lie as your excuse and then get that lie destroyed by the screenshots that I just posted.

You’ve lost all credibility on this. I just exposed your excuses as being bogus.
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I just exposed you for lying in this very thread. Not embarrassed? That’s because you’re a deplorable and shameless.

It’s bad enough that you got exposed talking shit on multiple people on your own side. But it’s entirely different to lie as your excuse and then get that lie destroyed by the screenshots that I just posted.

You’ve lost all credibility on this. I just exposed your excuses as being bogus.
Let me dumb this down for you, Special Ed. We (deplorables) are not bothered in the slightest by the opinion of liberals.

Go cry yourself to sleep over losing your Dementia Jesus and Greed, all in the course of a weekend.
and could care less what he thinks of me.
Moron, the correct phrase is "couldn't care less." If you could care less, that means you actually care to an extent, which is not what you were trying to say. How many more decades do I have to continue teaching you lifelong west virginia educated morons on that? It really shows your lack of intelligence.

Only thing I noticed was wv fan taking a few shots, I generally ignore him and could care less what he thinks of me. It seems he might seek my attention,
You only noticed wv-fan? You realize others from your side have done the same, right, moron?

Hey, Extra, looky here - they're still even fighting in this thread after I exposed their backstabbing.
Let me dumb this down for you, Special Ed. We (deplorables) are not bothered in the slightest by the opinion of liberals.

Go cry yourself to sleep over losing your Dementia Jesus and Greed, all in the course of a weekend.
Special Ed, where these guys on, "my side" back then?
You quoted the same thing twice from me but had two different responses in two different posts. Try not to be so emotionally unstable that you're now posting, then coming up with other things to say to the exact same thing you quoted, and then making another post.

I understand that you're emotionally fragile after 1) being exposed as a shit-talker toward other deplorables 2) being caught pushing personal information of your fellow deplorables to be posted 3) being exposed as a liar after the screenshots I posted absolutely destroyed your excuse. But even then, pretend that you aren't as rattled as you are.
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You quoted the same thing twice from me but had two different responses in two different posts. Try not to be so emotionally unstable that you're now posting, then coming up with other things to say to the exact same thing you quoted, and then making another post.

I understand that you're emotionally fragile after 1) being exposed as a shit-talker toward other deplorables 2) being caught pushing personal information of your fellow deplorables to be posted 3) being exposed as a liar after the screenshots I posted absolutely destroyed your excuse. But even then, pretend that you aren't as rattled as you are.
Special Ed, I first quoted your entire shitty post, then I quoted a statement you made and addressed it specifically.

I know you're getting overwhelmed with all of the reading you're having to do this afternoon. Take breaks if you need.
Special Ed, I first quoted your entire shitty post, then I quoted a statement you made and addressed it specifically.
Uhh, moron, if you quoted it all and had to respond to it, then you wouldn't need to create other posts just to respond to what you already quoted. Again, emotional instability is not a good look after getting caught lying to the board after getting caught bashing may of your fellow deplorables behind their backs.
Moron, the correct phrase is "couldn't care less." If you could care less, that means you actually care to an extent, which is not what you were trying to say. How many more decades do I have to continue teaching you lifelong west virginia educated morons on that? It really shows your lack of intelligence.

You only noticed wv-fan? You realize others from your side have done the same, right, moron?

Hey, Extra, looky here - they're still even fighting in this thread after I exposed their backstabbing.
You are spazzing and I appreciate you engaging me and not only following my posts, but following reactions and replies to my posts. You've got it bad.

I could care less though
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Uh huh. Hey, whatever makes you feel better about all of the unsolicited shit-talking you did towards them.

Do you think the others outed on here are going to use the same excuse knowing their posts are still on here and date stamped? I think they will be more manly than you, accept what they did, and not make excuses.

Stop. The black SUVs were the driving force behind all of the espionage I led.

Your lover, Geauxherd (forgot about him talking shit), even kept telling me good work. I guess that blows your lie away, huh?

Why do you make such obvious lies that you know I can disprove quickly? This is you messaging me, introducing yourself to me, and saying you have gotten info on 30cat, and trying to get me to use that info:

And this is your lover, Geauxherd, doing the same to me:

So were the convos "exclusively" me "trying to get information . . . about other posters," or was it you reaching out to me trying to 1) give me information and 2) request information? What I just showed proves the latter, making you a liar.

Oh, and here is your lover shit-talking Arche' and trying to get me to post more personal information about him, which I refused to do:

Do you want to call your public relations team, regroup with the proof that has just been presented, and come back to the board with a more honest, more accurate apology?
You going to post these and not the threads where we were discussing how small Michigan and Megs penises were?

And if you put in enough effort going door to door as you have putting this slide show together telling everyone how good of BJs Kamala gives in Michigan and Wisconsin you may have a shot in this race
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I'm not embarrassed about a goddamn thing. You're digging up shit from almost an entire decade ago and making yourself look like a desperate clown 🤡 in the process.

And those of us who know are well aware it was TBGMH Detective agency that did the work.

Whatever that fag @GeauxHerd is referring to is giving you credit no doubt for info you were spoon-fed by someone else.

You didn't get TiTM shut down, @GeauxHerd @MichiganHerd and Banker @Rock98Dog and I all get credit for that one.
suck my dick GIF
To my recollection we haven’t had any private conversations except maybe during the banning period. My only issue with Rox is he tends to go a little smedium on his shirts, but I’m sure he’s aware he does that.

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