

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 17, 2007
Tonight at church during invitation I had to go forward. I just needed God to forgive me for being a bad witness. I just wanna share that with you. We might disagree on things but not on eternal matters. Rifle I always remember you in prayer as I do this whole board. Do you all care about others on here? I know I know. Herd 429 I am sorry for being hateful towards you. That's all. Feel so good now. We are all sinners. Good book says your a liar if you say you have no sin. I sure don't see myself any better than anyone. Could see rifle as a great man of God with his skills.I always mention bomb on these kind of threads. Thinking of I am Herdman and his family as I type. Hope all is well with you and your family.
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Sisters, I'm going to tell you the absolute truth. There's not anyone on earth, living or dead, that I haven't already forgiven. I've been commanded to do many things in the Good Book and I've failed to some degree in all of them. I've been told in the book by the Lord Jesus Christ that I am an unprofitable servant, and that's exactly what I am. I am what I am by grace, through faith. I want you to think about the is my understanding that despite all of our shortcomings, God loves you and I, and every single person that has existed on earth, every bit as much as he loves his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. If you initially view that as too good to be true, as I did, just recall that God, of his own free will and accord, gave his Son to suffer before and on the cross for sinners like us.
That is so powerful Extragreen. I agree 100% with every single word. Our rightenous is of filthy rags. It's what Jesus did on that cross. Not something we did. Saved by Grace through faith and not of works should any man boast. I have met you. Your a energetic fun loving guy who loves to have fun. Not a grumpy old man. You don't waiver on what you believe. I pray Trump is not as bad as you say but I am not sure at all you are wrong. I hope you are. I wanna see the guy from Ohio run. The ex governor. You like him?

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