fbi agent accused of anti trump biasreopened clinton invest. another conspir theory shot to hell


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
Washington (CNN)Emails obtained by CNN show the FBI agent at the center of a Capitol Hill storm played a key role in a controversial FBI decision that upended Hillary Clinton's campaign just days before the 2016 election: the letter to Congress by then-FBI Director James Comey announcing the bureau was investigating newly discovered Clinton emails.

The new revelation about FBI agent Peter Strzok comes as Republicans accuse him of being sympathetic to Clinton while seeking to undermine Donald Trump during the heat of the 2016 campaign season.
Washington (CNN)Emails obtained by CNN show the FBI agent at the center of a Capitol Hill storm played a key role in a controversial FBI decision that upended Hillary Clinton's campaign just days before the 2016 election: the letter to Congress by then-FBI Director James Comey announcing the bureau was investigating newly discovered Clinton emails.

The new revelation about FBI agent Peter Strzok comes as Republicans accuse him of being sympathetic to Clinton while seeking to undermine Donald Trump during the heat of the 2016 campaign season.
After it was hidden from superiors for atleast a month by Andrew McCabe
Every thread that dtard starts he be like...

After it was hidden from superiors for atleast a month by Andrew McCabe

If one was inclined to conspiracy theories like many cons, one could claim the month wait was to release the emails just before election day in order to harm hillary's chances of winning the election. But let's just conclude that all the national security agencies are conspiring against cheetos and his campaign. Yeah , that's the ticket.
If one was inclined to conspiracy theories like many cons, one could claim the month wait was to release the emails just before election day in order to harm hillary's chances of winning the election. But let's just conclude that all the national security agencies are conspiring against cheetos and his campaign. Yeah , that's the ticket.
the stuff mark warner was doing - and his comments, are extremely troubling. more so that other senators see nothing wrong with it.
Greed is going to have a real hard time over the next year or so. Storm's a coming.
Well, I'll see it. You're blind to most things, especially the truth.

Your a Jesus loving (not really) scientolistian. You wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and smacked you on the face while staring you in the eyes.
If you say so, pumpkin.

You have gone off the deep end further, if that were possible. Don't worry trumptard, you have plenty of con company who believe that this investigation is going to find more fault with the left than the right.
You have gone off the deep end further, if that were possible. Don't worry trumptard, you have plenty of con company who believe that this investigation is going to find more fault with the left than the right.

Better get your Xanax prescription filled, I'm afraid you'll need it when they start hauling your team off to Guantanamo.
Your ally, russia, isn't going to be able to shield cheetos and family from the courts.

My ally, have you not been paying attention to what's coming out the last few weeks? Steele worked for HRC and the DNC and was using Russian contacts to write his fake dossier. You're on the wrong team, comrade. Not to mention the fact that Russia had already bought and paid for Hillary with the Uranium One mess.
My ally, have you not been paying attention to what's coming out the last few weeks? Steele worked for HRC and the DNC and was using Russian contacts to write his fake dossier. You're on the wrong team, comrade.
^^^^^Too much breitbart and faux news^^^^^^

"The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative Web site that has received funding from the hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer, has acknowledged hiring Fusion GPS to investigate candidates during the Republican Presidential primaries."

Not to mention the fact that Russia had already bought and paid for Hillary with the Uranium One mess.

"While the connections between the Clinton Foundation and the Russian deal may appear fishy, there was simply no proof of any quid pro quo."

" the reality is that the State Department was just one of nine government agencies that signed off on the transaction."

correct. nothing to see there.
extreme right wing source and is a questionable source. A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news.