fbi says nothing in latest emails - no wrongdoing by clinton or staff


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
FBI Director James Comey informed key lawmakers on Sunday that he still does not believe that Hillary Clinton should face criminal prosecution over her use of private email servers during her time as secretary of state. Comey said his conclusion came after FBI agents reviewed all of the newly discovered messages to or from Clinton found on electronic devices that belonged to her top aide’s estranged husband, disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner.

“The FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation,” Comey said in his letter.

“During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton,” he continued.
“During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton,” he continued.

your title is wrong...
Bernie Sanders is smarter than all of our people who kept going on about this shit. It was nothing. It is nothing. I'm going to start booing the screen like it's Michigan every time they keep talking about it now. I'm talking about our damn people. Fox, Newt, the whole nine yards.

The e-mails were a dead end road the whole time. Hoping to win by default means you deserved to lose. We sucked again this year.
Too late even if she somehow threatens to kill again. The damage has been done.

Sorry, D-tard
Oh and btw, you're telling me they went through 650,000 emails in 691,200 (8 days) seconds BUT it took them 12 months to go through 33,000 emails? FBI is a JOKE!!! Comey's days are numbered! RIGGED!
"Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation," Comey wrote today. "During that process we revirewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State."

Sources told ABC News tonight that the new batch of emails contained duplicates the FBI had already reviewed and did not contain new information that altered their initial findings.
Seals the deal for a bigtime Hillary win now. Wait until they get on there casting her as a victim in a witch hunt now. And I'm not so sure they're not right.

This was the ace in the hole? Oh well, it would be a lot worse if I was a Nebraska fan.
wow this is the most corrupt govt ever under Obama. Only going to get woese if HC wins
It's about stuff nobody cares about. This whole thing is as bad as college football fans trying to pretend their team doesn't have a bunch of thugs on it.

This is dirty ball. Money, politics, sports. This isn't a church bake sale. People want puritanical stuff. It's all fake. It's utopian, just like the liberals wanting to save the planet. People are dirty. We're going to pollute.

Politics is beginning to feel like one of those old Nintendo games I beat as a kid. The only thing that keeps this interesting is that people dress up and talk fancy about it on TV.
Director Comey did not say, and has never said, that there was no wrongdoing by Clinton and her staff. On the contrary, he pointed out her reckless behavior and the fact that she lied multiple times on multiple subjects. What he said, and now has restated, is that no federal prosecutor would bring charges. What that means is that no one in the Obama DOJ would touch this thing. That's an accurate statement, not because there is no case, but because she is Hilliary Clinton and, as we now know, the DOJ colluded with her campaign throughout the process.
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Or maybe Comey realizes that hillary has committed no crimes. In which there would be no case.
Not what he said. Never said he couldn't prove intent, which was a BS cope out.
OK, then he's just another lying, incompetent conservative federal employee too lazy to do his job.
The bipartisanship of next four years will be miserable to live through.
Our #1 priority should be to make hillary a one term president.

We could start with that, right?
The bipartisanship of next four years will be miserable to live through.


Killary will think she can tell Congress what to do in one of her psycho granny outbursts and they will fight everything. Another 4 years of Obama is all this will be.
Unless get confirmed in the next 12 hours garland has no chance. Obama will yank his nomination the second Hillary is declared winner
Our #1 priority should be to make hillary a one term president.

We could start with that, right?

Our #1 priority should be making sure she is a no term president.

Look, I don't love Trump either, but for all your bluster, you know Hillary is rotten to the core. Neither deserve to be President, but at least Trump would be a speed bump against the ruling elite.
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Our #1 priority should be making sure she is a no term president.

Look, I don't love Trump either, but for all your bluster, you know Hillary is rotten to the core. Neither deserve to be President, but at least Trump would be a speed bump against the ruling elite.

we've had 28 years of "rule" from the Bush, Clinton, and Obama families. do we really want 4-8 more?
Our #1 priority should be making sure she is a no term president.

Look, I don't love Trump either, but for all your bluster, you know Hillary is rotten to the core. Neither deserve to be President, but at least Trump would be a speed bump against the ruling elite.

I suspect hillary will win tomorrow, but I don't count chickens before they hatch.

No, I don't know hillary is rotten to the core, and there's no proof that she is. Your party has done nothing but attack the clintons for 25 years, it's the only way you hope to beat them. You had a chance to beat her in this election but your base voted for an incompetent and unqualified liar with a terrible temperament. trump is not a speed bump, he's a dark abyss.
What you're missing is the old power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We have set the Bushs' and Clintons' up as near royalty in this country. They can do what they want, when they want, to who they want. We have given up our controls. The republicans realized this and got Jeb Bush the heck out of the picture. The dems appeared to get it, getting behind Bernie, and probably would have done it if the political machine didn't screw the guy over to assure the continuation of the power structure. Now, however, they put you right back in the fold. We get Hillary and then will end up with Michele Obama, Chelsea Clinton, or one of the next generation of Bush kids next.
What you're missing is the old power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We have set the Bushs' and Clintons' up as near royalty in this country. They can do what they want, when they want, to who they want. We have given up our controls. The republicans realized this and got Jeb Bush the heck out of the picture. The dems appeared to get it, getting behind Bernie, and probably would have done it if the political machine didn't screw the guy over to assure the continuation of the power structure. Now, however, they put you right back in the fold. We get Hillary and then will end up with Michele Obama, Chelsea Clinton, or one of the next generation of Bush kids next.

I'd be interested to hear what sane policies trump has offered that are not establishment policies.
Reworking trade deals. Placing tariffs of US companies that move production out of the country. That's a few and that's stuff the unions should be all over.
Reworking trade deals. Placing tariffs of US companies that move production out of the country. That's a few and that's stuff the unions should be all over.
Reworking trade deals. Placing tariffs of US companies that move production out of the country. That's a few and that's stuff the unions should be all over.

The only thing I've seen regarding trumps reworking of trade deals IS placing tariffs on the products of other countries coming into this country. But the bottom line is we can't just call up another country and say "we're changing the rules" because that's against international laws. Plus, if we place tariffs on other countries, you don't think they'll place tariffs on us? I actually like the concept of protecting U S workers, but let's be honest, someone has to pay those tariffs and it will murder the low income folks. Now, if you want to raise the minimum wage to $15 then maybe, maybe I'd be interested.
She is a smooth criminal. She is the consort of a sex addict. She is chugging the longest train of scandal and lawlessness in history toward the White House. Box cars overflow with federal crimes, defilement, unexplained deaths, pathological lies and an insatiable lust for power. She wants the savagery of late-term abortion. She believes marriage is between a man and anything.

However, the greatest horror resides in the caboose: She will feed and expand the cancer of Obama's policies. Thus, she will turn up the blood-letting of government spending and doom our children. Our foreign policy will be one big blazing Benghazi. Our Supreme Court will become a left-wing meat grinder. Obamacare is dead; no mind, she will manage the morgue so the corpse putrefies our health care system indefinitely.

Say you wanted to craft the quintessential anti-Christian candidate. Monger a politician that is the most anti-Bible, anti-church, anti-Israel, anti-God human being on the planet: Thy name is Hillary Clinton.

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