Ferguson Rioters Propose Rules of Engagement Wishlist


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
With the grand-jury findings on the Ferguson shooting to be released any time now AND considering the evidence pretty much blows the "gentle giant who wasn't hurtin' nobody" lie out of the water, it's pretty much a given that there's going to be riots. That said, the "protesters" have released their rules of engagement wish list. Some of these don't seem that bad while some of these are just batshit crazy:

7) Police will wear only the attire minimally required for their safety. Specialized riot gear will be avoided except as a last resort.
-- Yeah, good luck with that one. They'll be dressed minimally for as long as it takes them to put on the riot gear.

8) Crowd control equipment such as armored vehicles, rubber bullets, rifles and tear gas will not be used.
-- Right. If they really think this is realistic then they're insane. It's nice to pretend that things aren't going to lead to property damage & folks getting beat (a beating was just reported yesterday) but in reality, the job of the police is to maintain order when things get out of hand. Which they will given it's already happened the first go-round. Now, knowing the cops are going to have to respond, why would they want to prevent them from using non-lethal responses?

11) Safe houses shall be considered sacred ground and only entered by police when called upon or if extremely necessary.
-- Sure thing. Break the law & see how long you get to hide out in a safe house.

15) Police will be instructed to be tolerant of more minor lawbreaking (such as thrown water bottles) when deciding whether to escalate the use of force.
-- This might be my favorite one. And the folks organizing these "protests" better damn well explain this shit ain't gonna happen or you're going to have more heavy-handed police responses than you can shake a stick at.

This post was edited on 11/8 4:46 PM by wisemaniac

Protesters Wish List
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
I am cool with #8. It doesn't mention shotguns.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You, me & the protesters know damn well all those are going to get used. Maybe not immediately but I think what happens once the sun goes down will set the tone.

If I was Ferguson, I'd wait until Holder's autopsy results are available & release your findings along side his. If they match up, which they should, then it send a pretty strong message. And if possible, I would wait until about 8 PM on Friday night to release the results of the grand jury & the autopsy reports. Before that, I would drop hints Thursday morning that the results are likely to be released Friday night to give folks time to pack up & get out town for the weekend.

This post was edited on 11/8 6:20 PM by wisemaniac
Give the store owners shot guns. If I had a shop id blast whatever mofo's that tried to come in. There should be a zero tolerance policy towards riots.

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