Fifty One years on…..Remembering The 75..

W-S HerdFan

Platinum Buffalo
Aug 14, 2002
Sarasota, FL
You can’t be a Marshall fan w/o having this date seared into your memory. I was 11, and clearly remember what I was doing when I first saw the bulletin crawling across the bottom of the b&w tv screen. Too young to really appreciate the depth of the loss across the entire country, I just recall sadness. In a way, each year that this date passes & we honor them during a game in mid November, we fulfill Coach “Lingell” ‘s statement that one day “winning is all that matters”. “The 75” continue to inspire our community. I fervently pray it will always be so.
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Does anyone know if any of the parents are still alive? My wife and I were discussing this last weekend when we were on campus, as well as yesterday with it being the anniversary. Obviously it would have to be very few, if any, given they would very likely be in their 90s at the youngest.

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