First Man

Not to hijack the thread, but I have seen some other historical movies recently.

Operation Finale is phenomenal. It is based on the true story of tracking down Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann. I think it should be listed as a dark horse Best Picture/best actor candidate, but it didn't get a ton of publicity. I give it an 8.4.

Angel, which is out on Netflix now, is also very good. It, too, is based on a true story, that being about an Egyptian who worked for Mossad. I give it an 8.2.

I also liked two other historical dramas over the last year: Darkest Hour and The Post.

I've also seen A Star is Born and Monsters and Men over the last week. Both were good, but the former didn't live up to the hype it has been getting. Gaga did a great job in her role.
You are dead on about operation finale rifle. I want to see First Man. Of the 83 books I got 13 of them are on Germany or Hitler. Two on tracking down Nazis. I'm reading the history of the Korean war. It is a ten so far. I'm seeing why Truman fired MaCArthur. Guy was nuts at times.
Not Adam...Neil. Anyone planning on seeing it?

Watched it this evening. Though I am not a huge fan of Gosling, he seemed faithful to the demeanor of Armstrong. And, overall, I was pleased with the selected focus of the film, and the choice to not tread on the same ground as "Apollo 13" and the very underrated "From the Earth to the Moon" HBO series produced by Hanks/Spielberg in 1998. The re-creation of the Moon walk is as well executed as any historical moment I can think of that has been placed on film - because of a very deliberate (and highly appropriate) choice NOT to utilize a particular story-telling device. The moment was MORE powerful because of that omission.

My only (significant) beef with the film is the over-reliance on the slightly out-of-focus, shaking, and/or titled camera angles as an effort to enhance "movement". At times it was distracting if not outright difficult to properly focus on the film images.

Like so many, Armstrong was a complicated man and (perhaps counter-intuitively) was not drawn to the intense spotlight that so many of that era seemed drawn to despite the unavoidably public nature of his vocation. Because of his general avoidance of the spotlight, the number of personal accounts about the man are quite limited. Despite the dearth of personal insight(s) into the man, it is unmistakable that several of the personal tragedies he suffered deeply scarred the man's soul; and like so many of these type of tragedies, raw and unfilled holes remained through his life. And, one cannot help but have renewed and increased admiration for the wives of these astronauts given the inevitable and unavoidable stresses that accompanied these endeavors.

Coincidentally, Armstrong died on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 25, 2012 - about 15 hours before my Dad succumbed to lung and brain cancer. It is a pointed reminder that our heroes are with us for only season; but the impact (and import) are not unlike that initial footprint Armstrong made on the surface of the moon: an indelible impression - both symbolically and literally.
Saw it last night. Though decently entertaining, I thought it was a very average flick. Critics have rated it a lot better than audiences have.

Even for a long movie, it seemed to jump forward quite a few times while other times seemed to drag on. They'd spend 20 minutes on one mission/training, then suddenly, they'd be ready to get in a rocket of another mission with no background/context of it.

It wasn't a bad movie but just not something that could come close to other recent historical dramas (Operation Finale, Darkest Hour, The Angel, The Post).

I'd give it a 7.2 out of 10.
I just walked out of the theater. I agree with rifle. Good movie. Not great.

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