Try to find the themes/promotions for home games this season, like military night, white out, green out, etc. Went to herdzone. Still has last year’s promotions. SMH Anyone know this year’s?
......what a giant ladies vaginal deodorant you are....9/14:
1996 Marshall Championship Celebration: all members of the 1996 FCS National Championship team are invited to buy a ticket in the top row for $500. All proceeds will be used for lifetime contracts for Doc and Hamrick.
Buy two tickets, get two clean needles.
Call-A-Play-Lotto Night: enter to win the chance to call a play during a game. Note, if it's in the second half, you aren't allowed to gain any yards.
Stewart's Throwback Night - BOGO hot dogs from Stewart's (gays and Muslims excluded from this promotion)
2nd Place in the East Division Championship Game
Try to find the themes/promotions for home games this season, like military night, white out, green out, etc. Went to herdzone. Still has last year’s promotions. SMH Anyone know this year’s?
Don’t even get me started on ineptness. From tickets discounts to game day experience to promotions..... middle school.