For those of you


Platinum Buffalo
Sep 29, 2012
Who don’t visit the other boards I just want to pass along the sad news that HERD great Michael Payton passed away today from colon cancer, sad day for HERD nation
Sad. He as an all time great. Won the championship and best player in IAA at the time. Very exciting times and he was sure a big part of it.
I eat more than a few Sunday dinners with Mike.This is a punch in the gut to me. I had no idea he was getting worse. I thought he was improving. Boy this is just horrible news. My favorite herd qb. Big arm and could run.Wow guys he came to Louisa and spoke at Phil Ratliff's memorial service and now captains of the 92 national champs are both gone. I didn't know he was even close to death. Find out on HN