Found DHerd on Twitter

What the hell is Raoul smoking?

This is further proof you are a few gears shy of a working transmission. I'm not saying she is right; I even say she may very well be insane. Twitter is almost always the least literary place on the internet, full of "Imma b4iD some shitz #myjiggaz" or whatever the fvck nonsense leaks out of the underdeveloped craniums of the average American. This lady has presented us with two complete sentences (well written ones, at that), with the only accommodation to the character-count limit of Twitter being her use of the ampersand (which beats the usual "n" used by the typical Twitter fool). Her content and her thoughts may be absolute horseshit, her thoughts may be fiction, hell it maybe flat-out trolling, but I applaud her efforts to prioritize the English language while sharing her musings.
This is further proof you are a few gears shy of a working transmission. I'm not saying she is right; I even say she may very well be insane. Twitter is almost always the least literary place on the internet, full of "Imma b4iD some shitz #myjiggaz" or whatever the fvck nonsense leaks out of the underdeveloped craniums of the average American. This lady has presented us with two complete sentences (well written ones, at that), with the only accommodation to the character-count limit of Twitter being her use of the ampersand (which beats the usual "n" used by the typical Twitter fool). Her content and her thoughts may be absolute horseshit, her thoughts may be fiction, hell it maybe flat-out trolling, but I applaud her efforts to prioritize the English language while sharing her musings.

I was referring to post #3.
Plus, it was written in the person's own words, as opposed to a copy & paste from the failing NY Times.
I was referring to post #3.

Learn how to use the quote function, Slappy.

Trump has been GREAT for the media business. CNN, MSNBC ratings are up, newspaper subscriptions are actually up (and that's crazy). Straight cash, homie.

I think you can really see this with the media dingbats criticizing that comedian the other night. If Trump got mad and cut off all of their access to anything, where would they be? I bet White House Correspondent is a good paying job; it sure beats dealing with the jerks out in the real world. She threatened their gravy train.