Freddie Gray revisited

I don't feel like those jurors were doing their duty if they gave up after three days.
When you wear the blue, it doesn't matter what race they are. They are all the same, matter fact the black cops are worst because 1. They hate themselves because their black 2. They have to schuck and jive for their white superiors. Whatever Massa say they do. 3. They despise other minorities
When you wear the blue, it doesn't matter what race they are. They are all the same, matter fact the black cops are worst because 1. They hate themselves because their black 2. They have to schuck and jive for their white superiors. Whatever Massa say they do. 3. They despise other minorities
The sad part is you actually believe this shit
Yeah, Fev
That's just racism raised to the n th power. You just need to think a little harder on some of your rants
before posting them. They simply make you look much worse than you can really be.
When you wear the blue, it doesn't matter what race they are. They are all the same, matter fact the black cops are worst because 1. They hate themselves because their black 2. They have to schuck and jive for their white superiors. Whatever Massa say they do. 3. They despise other minorities

As a black male I will say that's the dumbest thing I've ever read. It's attitudes like that that holds our community back, you need to wake up.
I like the idea of having mostly black cops doing the heavy lifting in black communities. They would handle matters in a more humane manner and yet handle the really bad guy when needed. They would be great role-models for lots of kids.

Where am I wrong in this line of thinking?