fuck big pharma (and wvu in this case...)


Gold Buffalo
Gold Member
Apr 10, 2014

"Proxy filings show that from 2007 to 2015, Mylan CEO Heather Bresch's total compensation went from $2,453,456 to $18,931,068, a 671 percent increase. During the same period, the company raised EpiPen prices, with the average wholesale price going from $56.64 to $317.82, a 461 percent increase, according to data provided by Connecture."
“We really penalize U.S.-based companies.”

Think she'll vote Trump?
From fake mba to ceo. Wvu treats its people about as well as the Clinton foundation
"Mylan spent about $4 million in 2012 and 2013 on lobbying for access to EpiPens generally and for legislation, including the 2013 School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act, according to lobbying disclosure forms filed with the Office of the Clerk for the House of Representatives. Mylan also was the top corporate sponsor of a group called Food Allergy Research & Education that was the key lobbyist pushing for the bill encouraging schools to stock epinephrine auto-injectors, of which EpiPen is by far the leading product."

this is getting ready to blow-up...
Obama cares fault

The company emphasized that many patients qualify for its patient access program, which significantly reduces the EpiPen’s price through coupons, and laid the blame for consumers’ inability to afford the device to the increasing popularity of high-deductible health plans.

“With the current changes in the healthcare insurance landscape, an increasing number of people and families have enrolled in high deductible health plans, and deductible amounts continue to rise,” wrote the company. “This current and ongoing shift has presented new challenges for consumers, and now they are bearing more of the cost. This new change to the industry is not an easy challenge to address, but we recognize the need and are committed to working with customers and payors to find solutions to meet the needs of the patients and families we serve.”
She is a cvnt.
I doubt you would kick her out of bed.
Obama cares fault

The company emphasized that many patients qualify for its patient access program, which significantly reduces the EpiPen’s price through coupons, and laid the blame for consumers’ inability to afford the device to the increasing popularity of high-deductible health plans.

“With the current changes in the healthcare insurance landscape, an increasing number of people and families have enrolled in high deductible health plans, and deductible amounts continue to rise,” wrote the company. “This current and ongoing shift has presented new challenges for consumers, and now they are bearing more of the cost. This new change to the industry is not an easy challenge to address, but we recognize the need and are committed to working with customers and payors to find solutions to meet the needs of the patients and families we serve.”

SHHHHHHHHH. Everyone knows govt controls and regulation lowers costs...........
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Unethical Democrats.

They sure seem to have a lot of scandals around them.

But, they are for the little guy.
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Our country needs tort reform and no more lifetime terms for the bureaucracy in DC. Both sides are in it for themselves. Once inside, they're embedded into the DC life forever. Very few are able to maintain their integrity and why they were elected by the people.

It is like a prison, best place to learn how to become wealthy and corrupt. Life-time skillset of lying and role playing to their constituents just to get reelected in next election cycle.

Over and over...become like Reid and Pelosi. Working morons supposedly working for the average man and woman.
Interesting isn't it? Mylan Pharma donates to the Clinton Foundation.

Listening to Hillary bitch about what Mylan charges......must be another shakedown for another donation. Didn't seem to mind what the price of an Epi-pen was when they were writing checks to her and Bill.
If you're outraged by Heather using her family contacts in government to benefit financially but have no problems with Hillary & Clinton Inc, you're a hypocrite.
If you're outraged by Heather using her family contacts in government to benefit financially but have no problems with Hillary & Clinton Inc, you're a hypocrite.

One benefits from speaking engagements, and the other by overpricing life saving devices. You're right, no difference.
Still, they should bring back Brian Williams. Lester Holt sucks. I quit watching NBC Nightly News about 2 months ago. It was like going to a Michigan pep rally everyday. To hell with that.

If I have to watch cheerleaders, at least I want to see the ones for my team. Fox News.
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