Gang violence


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
Who would think that out here in the country we would have to worry about gang violence, but it is becoming a problem. We have a large mother raccoon and her four thug children terrorizing the neighborhood.

They flash mob the trash cans, knock over flower pots on the porches, and eat the cat and dog food neighbors put out for their pets.

Poor Thomas, the neighborhood stray cat, almost lost his ear to Ma Barker and her gang. I’m not coming outside without a rake from now on. Those things carry rabies.
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They flash mob the trash cans, knock over flower pots on the porches, and eat the cat and dog food neighbors put out for their pets.
Tell your neighbors this idea: Keep your fvcking pets in the house. That way, the neighborhood doesn’t have to deal with your barking dog nor your cat that pisses all over and smells up neighboring properties.

And if you let them outside and then inside when they want, they are tracking all types of bugs, dirt, and germs in with them.
I have no outside pets and as long as the neighbors keep their animals on their property, it is none of my business. You would not do well here.
I have no outside pets and as long as the neighbors keep their animals on their property, it is none of my business. You would not do well here.
My use of “your” was directed at the neighbors who do that. If their dogs are a nuisance with barking, it is your business. And thankfully, civilized areas have rules against that.
Who would think that out here in the country we would have to worry about gang violence, but it is becoming a problem. We have a large mother raccoon and her four thug children terrorizing the neighborhood.

They flash mob the trash cans, knock over flower pots on the porches, and eat the cat and dog food neighbors put out for their pets.

Poor Thomas, the neighborhood stray cat, almost lost his ear to Ma Barker and her gang. I’m not coming outside without a rake from now on. Those things carry rabies.
Are you going to tell those coons to go back to where they came from?
. And thankfully, civilized areas have rules against that.
The rules are more lenient in rural areas where homes might be a football field length apart. Unfortunately, everyone in these small towns seems to have a dog. Barking is inevitable.
The rules are more lenient in rural areas where homes might be a football field length apart. Unfortunately, everyone in these small towns seems to have a dog. Barking is inevitable.
Barking is illegal throughout west virginia if it's disturbing the peace. So much for those deplorables being tough on crime while being lenient on this crime. I guess if they enforced the barking lot, they'd also have to shut down their main industry: dog fighting.
Barking is illegal throughout west virginia if it's disturbing the peace. So much for those deplorables being tough on crime while being lenient on this crime. I guess if they enforced the barking lot, they'd also have to shut down their main industry: dog fighting.
Cock fighting. Dog fighting is more for colored people. Whities fight cocks.
I never heard of dog fighting or cock fighting when I was growing up in West Virginia. I do know that my school took all the Grade 6 students on a field trip to the WV State Museum in Charleston where they had a flea circus.
My use of “your” was directed at the neighbors who do that. If their dogs are a nuisance with barking, it is your business. And thankfully, civilized areas have rules against that.

You're so ignorant. Your "civilization" has sanctuary for MS-13 gang members and other illegal foreign nationals.

You're one to talk, Pedo-puss.