General Mattis:

Would be nice to get back to a guy where "God, Honor, Country" is more than words that appear on the teleprompter.
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I'd vote for him. something tells me these snowflake libs are blowing smoke out their ass, though. you know that guy's core beliefs aren't even remotely aligned with theirs. hell, imagine their ire after he increased the military budget even higher than trump has.
I'd vote for him. something tells me these snowflake libs are blowing smoke out their ass, though. you know that guy's core beliefs aren't even remotely aligned with theirs. hell, imagine their ire after he increased the military budget even higher than trump has.
He is pretty conservative. He wanted more US involvement in foreign conflicts than Trump did. I think they are just saying they would vote for him.
hell, imagine their ire after he increased the military budget even higher than trump has.

I'm all for WISE spending with the military budget. Too much padding expensive bullshit for Senator Fvckhead's home state and such. F-35 has been a goddamn boondoggle, even though I think it will be a good platform as the bugs are worked out. But then you think about how all the F-22 tooling for manufacturing was destroyed to protect the coming F-35 project. WTF? Quite literally the greatest air combat platform of all time, and we can't make more of them so Congressman John's F-35 jobs would be protected. And we couldn't sell other nations the F-22....but F-35 is gonna make LOTS of money for the MIC with foreign sales.

And I would have greater trust for a man with both knowledge of history and the world and personal knowledge of the hell of war. I think a man like Mattis would be much more judicious in where and how he put American blood on the line.
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He wanted to finish Afghanistan and Syria. One you are there, you might as well get the job done, and in Syria's case, not to fvck the Kurds. And we know why Trump wanted out of Syria....
Trump really doesn't like the foreign conflicts. Finish Afghanistan? When in 2095? Looks like we might be getting out in a year(probably believe it when I see it). Syria? Nothing real good was going to come of it.
Finish Afghanistan?

Beats making peace with the fvcking Taliban.

Syria? Nothing real good was going to come of it.

Besides sticking our dick in Putin's when we slaughtered his "mercenaries".

In my "perfect world", we would convince Russia to help us keep the rags in check. That's hard to do when we both insist on picking a "side". It's like choosing between herpes and syphilis. Maybe a few more dicks in the eye could have convinced Putin it is a fool's game over there.
Beats making peace with the fvcking Taliban.

Besides sticking our dick in Putin's when we slaughtered his "mercenaries".

In my "perfect world", we would convince Russia to help us keep the rags in check. That's hard to do when we both insist on picking a "side". It's like choosing between herpes and syphilis. Maybe a few more dicks in the eye could have convinced Putin it is a fool's game over there.

Maybe bought, how much are you willing to pay for it, not just in $$$ but American lives? We could have got sucked in by staying in Syria and at some point when do we get out of Afghanistan? People don't even pay attention anymore but we have lost several men in just the last weeks there.