Get Real, Democrats Didn't Lose Because They Avoided Obama


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
I keep seeing my liberal friends post articles that the reason Democrats lost was solely because they avoided Obama - that had they just done the opposite & actually embraced him, they wouldn't have only kept their seats, they would have taken the House. I get that Dems are trying to rationalize the loss but this crap they're spewing is ridiculous. The GOP did everything in their power to associate Obama with specific candidates & his policies. Hell, they spent a ton of money doing it too.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 11/5 12:30 PM by wisemaniac
Democrats lost because it's a midterm election with a bunch of Democrats that had to defend seats they only won because of the massive Obama turn out.
Exactly H&H.

What this proves, more than anything, is that the "Obama Coalition" is nothing without Obama on the ballot.

It also shows that there is nobody on the Democrat bench if something happens to Hillary.

(That doesn't mean the GOP won't screw up, because they will)
The Dems seem to be rallying behind Elizabeth "Two Dogs" Warren as the Hillary alternate. If that's the fight they want to have, I say let it happen.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
Exactly H&H.

What this proves, more than anything, is that the "Obama Coalition" is nothing without Obama on the ballot.

It also shows that there is nobody on the Democrat bench if something happens to Hillary.

(That doesn't mean the GOP won't screw up, because they will)
The Obama coalition couklouldnt even stand up to a good republican candidate. Romeny was average at best and Obama Barely beat him.
Prediction: I think Cuomo out of NY makes a run at it and potentially upsets Hillary's chances over the next 2 years. Something tells me that the powers that be in the DNC don't even really want a woman calling the shots at the end of the day. They talk a good game about "women as equals" but are usually the first to run them out on a rail the second they get close to attaining real political power. The DNC was so desperate to have Hillary out of the picture they put a court jester like Joe Biden as the #2.

Obummer upsets her ordination, so they eagerly put Hillary on a govt 767, flying all over the world for a few years, setting her up to fvck things up worse internationally, becoming complete damaged goods and potentially unelectable. The leftist reviewers pan her latest book, question her financial earnings, mock her $100k speaking fees at colleges, openly question her wall st ties...this shit just shouldn't happen to a feminist queen like Hillary. The "smartest feminist women in the world" gets played by her husband while in the white house and then got played by her political party resulting in her falling on the sword for yet another lying Dem president as his sec of state.

The only thing left to attempt to convince people she isn't a total fallacy of leadership is for Hollywood to start producing TV shows showing a mythical black woman President taking orders from a white woman CIA Chief on one network, while another network shows an ultra powerful woman Sec of State wrapping a weak ass president around her finger on policy decisions. Not only did Bill's connections and political savvy keep her somewhat politically relevant after being steamrolled out of DC, but now once again, "the smartest feminist woman" needs the man to ally with his Hollywood buddies to produce additional myth and innuendo of a woman's ability (cough*Hillary*cough) to lead a country or the world.

Another prediction: If these shows end up bombing and get cancelled......Hillary will be sandbagged prior to the next election again. If Hollywood cant sell a mythically strong Hillary like character as politically possible.......the DNC wont waste time or money to try it either. At this point in her career she should be a slam dunk shoe in for President. I just don't believe she is.
I don't know, it's gonna be tough to keep the women from uniting and dragging some of their flower husbands to the polls with them to elect the first woman president.

This time around it was easy since the bums gave up their hopes and dreams. Next time though it's women. They're really the toughest people left in America. They'll rally around a bitchy old hag as she gets on there leading the parade to stomp on men's graves. Oprah will be there looking like a black Verne Lundquist. Imagine that ticket.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
I don't know, it's gonna be tough to keep the women from uniting and dragging some of their flower husbands to the polls with them to elect the first woman president.

This time around it was easy since the bums gave up their hopes and dreams. Next time though it's women. They're really the toughest people left in America. They'll rally around a bitchy old hag as she gets on there leading the parade to stomp on men's graves. Oprah will be there looking like a black Verne Lundquist. Imagine that ticket.
Women are spiteful creatures. Nothing gets under a woman's skin quite like realizing that another woman has something over on them. In this case........political power and popularity. Women hate other women they perceive as frauds too. The more Hillary talked, the more fraudulent she appeared ("me and bill were broke leaving the WH"). She may poll well with the lesbian crowd (IMO she is probably bi) and may poll well (for now) with some of the other "independent" types and minority women's groups that are not paying attention yet; but something tells me, in the end, the back stabbing, bitter, woman vs. woman jealousy, envy syndrome, combined with the failed attempt at selling her sympathetic honest demeanor to all of the other brain dead electorate will finish her----if she gets that far.

If she were as popular and loved as the media myth portrays, she wouldn't have been sent packing out of DC after her last fiasco attempt at leadership.

And as I said, the true power in the DNC (men) dont want to answer to a woman in the WH. The Klan members and plantation owners in the DNC have already had to answer to a black man and Al Sharpton types for 6 years, I doubt they will be going a female route in the next.
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
I don't know, it's gonna be tough to keep the women from uniting and dragging some of their flower husbands to the polls with them to elect the first woman president.

This time around it was easy since the bums gave up their hopes and dreams. Next time though it's women. They're really the toughest people left in America. They'll rally around a bitchy old hag as she gets on there leading the parade to stomp on men's graves. Oprah will be there looking like a black Verne Lundquist. Imagine that ticket.
Women are spiteful creatures. Nothing gets under a woman's skin quite like realizing that another woman has something over on them. In this case........political power and popularity. Women hate other women they perceive as frauds too. The more Hillary talked, the more fraudulent she appeared ("me and bill were broke leaving the WH"). She may poll well with the lesbian crowd (IMO she is probably bi) and may poll well (for now) with some of the other "independent" types and minority women's groups that are not paying attention yet; but something tells me, in the end, the back stabbing, bitter, woman vs. woman jealousy, envy syndrome, combined with the failed attempt at selling her sympathetic honest demeanor to all of the other brain dead electorate will finish her----if she gets that far.

If she were as popular and loved as the media myth portrays, she wouldn't have been sent packing out of DC after her last fiasco attempt at leadership.

And as I said, the true power in the DNC (men) dont want to answer to a woman in the WH. The Klan members and plantation owners in the DNC have already had to answer to a black man and Al Sharpton types for 6 years, I doubt they will be going a female route in the next.
I have a hard time believing that the Democrat party will elect another older straight white male in my lifetime. Not that they won't want to, but their next candidate will either be a woman or a minority. After that, they'll want a Hispanic on the ticket. Then a gay minority. That's not to say a woman or minority may not be the best available candidate, but even if an older, straight white male would be the best choice, he'll have a hard time making his way through their voters who are terrified of appearing intolerant. I can say with 100% certainty it sure as hell won't be Biden.

This post was edited on 11/6 8:50 AM by wisemaniac
Is he still even alive? I never even see him on there anymore. They wrapped him up and put him in a crypt beside the CDC guy.
They stashed him on the train between DC and Delaware. He just rides back and forth looking out the window and shouting to anyone who will listen.

Biden vs Christie would be awesome.

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