Girls, Girls, Girls


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
This is a multi-part post all centered around girls.

1) First, the song with the same name of this thread title is vastly underrated. Take the time to listen to it and really take in the words. Truly, take in all of the words. It's a highly creative and witty masterpiece:

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2) And that song is a lot like me. I am not sure if I have mentioned this, but in the notes section of my phone, I have a list of dozens of cities, both domestic and international (because ya' know, wealthy) of girls' Instagram names, WhatsApp, phone numbers, etc. Because I travel so much everywhere - because ya' know, rich - that way, I can have them lined up before I arrive.
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3) When I was in Vegas a couple of weeks ago, I met a girl. She is a lot like me in terms of being a big contradiction. She has a bachelor's degree and had a good career. But she got sick of it and wanted something far less stressful. So she became a cocktail waitress (christ, I knew doormen at top Vegas clubs could make $500k annually, but I didn't know that cocktail waitresses also could do well).

Her father is a 74 year "lower extremity surgeon." No, he doesn't do cock transplants (I asked). He does surgery on just about everything below the knee. He had his own practice for decades, but as he got older, the administrative aspect became too much, so about 10 years ago, he went to be a surgeon at a government facility, and is still doing it at 74 years old! Last year, at age 70, her mom retired as a nurse practitioner. So her family has money, and she only has one sibling, so her career as a cocktail waitress seems strange (and yes, I have verified all of that information). She came to stay with me for a couple of nights last week, and she basically wants to marry me already.

Could you marry a cocktail waitress (not that she would have to work if I married her, because ya' know, rich)?
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4) Here are some more recent pictures of Dana Holgorsen's daughter. In all seriousness, what do you do if you have a daughter who looks and dresses like this and is this open? Do you pretend she doesn't exist? Off yourself? Disown her?

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4) Last week, I was in Philadelphia watching the Mets, because ya' know, wealthy. One of the days, I walked from the Ritz Carlton (because ya' know, wealthy) to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. I remember noticing but didn't pay much attention to school groups that were at both of those locations. Later that night, after the Mets won again, I was sitting in the lobby of the Ritz waiting for one of my best friends to meet me there. For those who haven't been there, the lobby is an old bank and is huge with a very big bar.

While waiting, I was approached by a very attractive yet very young (in my eyes) girl. She asked if I was at the Liberty Bell earlier that day. She said she noticed me and wanted to talk to me while there, but she was there with her school, so she couldn't. She was happy that she ran into me at the hotel. As a wealthy guy, I have to be careful of these situations, and there were too many red flags to make sense of this one: What kind of school group stays at the Ritz Carlton? What are the chances this really young girl would see me out, remember what I looked like a half-day later in an entirely different outfit, and happen to be staying at the same hotel? Plus, when you stay at the type of hotels I do - because ya' know, wealthy - and routinely have on hundreds of thousands worth of diamonds, you are a magnet for people with bad intentions. Why would a girl at her age want me instead of wanting an "older guy" in his mid 20s instead of mid 40s? So I pretty much brushed her off and thought maybe the friend I was waiting on gave her info and sent her over to prank me. She mentioned she had to get back to her room (her "roommate" was on the trip with her and in her room with her), so she made it a point to say she couldn't hang out, but she wanted to follow each other on TikTok. After explaining that I am older than 25, so I don't have that, we followed each other on Instagram.

That was last week. Since then, we have video chatted with each other two or three times. Her story? She turned 18 in July (I made her send me her license). Since her freshman year, she has gone to a boarding school. She is a senior now and her sister is a freshman at the same school. I looked it up - it is the most expensive boarding school in the country - $80k annually. Daddy has an office on Wall Street but works from home a lot. Mom hasn't worked since they got married before she was born. When I directly asked what she wanted, she said "fun." Her school friends also come from very wealthy families, but they are very straight-laced, and even though she doesn't think she is wild, she wants to do more than boarding school/equestrian/go to an Ivy and then get married. Again, I verified everything with a simple Google search, and it all checks out. I also was able to watch her TikToks on her campus with her friends.

She also said she wants to be "taken care of." I interpreted that as meaning she wants money, but when I said "your parents must have plenty of money," she confirmed they do, but she said they don't give her any. She said they have plenty of money for her education, etc., but she wants shopping, concerts, travel, etc. So after vetting her, I offered to fly her here. But, her parents have "360" on her phone (I didn't know what that meant until she educated me on it), so she can't really travel. She has invited me to come there, and she thinks she would be able to meet me in NYC without it setting off too many alarms with her parents, as her schoolmates frequently travel there on weekends.

She does have some arrogance and self-entitlement signs during our video chats. But christ, she is sexy. And she talks about how she has "great boobs . . . not just that they are big but they also are the best shape and perkiness." Is the potential parental issue, having to socialize with an 18 year old girl, etc. worth banging it a few times over 24 hours?

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Mouth? Holy shit, she does have a mouth! I didn’t even notice.

Why the hell are you looking at her mouth? Are you trying out for a part in Deliverance or something?
There is your problem. You accept delivery without inspecting the whole package.