
Always The Herd

Silver Buffalo
Feb 3, 2007
One of my Facebook friends posted this comment after her mother had
a visit with the doctor today:

"God is great!! Preventive meds are working and moms nodules are shrinking to almost nothing!! Just has to stay on meds another year and a half!!"
My comment is this:
"God is great!! (With or without meds, whether the nodules shrink, grow or stay the same). I give him praise either way. He never has or will make a mistake."
Now lets hear your comments......
Originally posted by Always The Herd:

One of my Facebook friends posted this comment after her mother had
a visit with the doctor today:

"God is great!! Preventive meds are working and moms nodules are shrinking to almost nothing!! Just has to stay on meds another year and a half!!"
My comment is this:
"God is great!! (With or without meds, whether the nodules shrink, grow or stay the same). I give him praise either way. He never has or will make a mistake."
Now lets hear your comments......
Oh you're going to hear them.
"Does God hear all prayers?" - Radar O'Reilly

"Yes but sometimes the answer is no." - Wounded Soldier who thought he was Jesus
Why is it always" "God is great, I landed a new job today" and never "God is great, I lost my job today?"
If the pilot's boss were omnipotent I wouldn't think they would have to be. Also the word 'test' is being used in two very different contexts. You said it's a bad analogy but the kind we're talking about would be akin to intentionally sabotaging one of the engines, just to see if they could pilot it back with one.

Unless you're saying that the faith being tested helps strengthen the faith, which is probably true, but is a psychological quirk that I've never at all understood.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
This is a horrible analogy, but here it goes.

Why does a pilot need to keep being tested?
Borrowing that theme, if God created a flawed pilot when he had within his power to created a flawless one, would he punish the pilot to eternal torture if the pilot made a mistake?
I think Christians tend to outthink themselves on those questions (not Keeper usually though) and the only logically consistent answer is 'God does what God wants and we have as much a capability of understanding why as a leaf does of understanding humans.'
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
I think Christians tend to outthink themselves on those questions (not Keeper usually though) and the only logically consistent answer is 'God does what God wants and we have as much a capability of understanding why as a leaf does of understanding humans.'
That's pretty much Romans 9:14-21 in a nutshell:

"What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! For He says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion." So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth." Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. You will say to me then, "Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?" But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, "Why have you made me like this?" Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?"
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
If the pilot's boss were omnipotent I wouldn't think they would have to be. Also the word 'test' is being used in two very different contexts. You said it's a bad analogy but the kind we're talking about would be akin to intentionally sabotaging one of the engines, just to see if they could pilot it back with one.

Unless you're saying that the faith being tested helps strengthen the faith, which is probably true, but is a psychological quirk that I've never at all understood.
Right, in the Bible you have instances of both, with each individual case being different in regards to context.

The first "test" is best exemplified in the book of Job (which is a benefit to the careful reader).

The second "test" includes Jesus' temptation in Matthew 4 and Israel's entire walk through the Wilderness in Exodus.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:

Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
This is a horrible analogy, but here it goes.

Why does a pilot need to keep being tested?
Borrowing that theme, if God created a flawed pilot when he had within his power to created a flawless one, would he punish the pilot to eternal torture if the pilot made a mistake?
In that scenario, no.

The Biblical model would have it be that you have a pilot who was created flawless, with the ability to make a mistake. And in time he freely chooses to stall out the aircraft and rip a wing off. All subsequent pilots have planes sans a wing, those whom God in His grace sovereignly directs are given a new wing and the freedom to choose to pilot correctly or make a mistake and when they do make a mistake He fixes their error, in His time and mercy. Then, at the end of time (remember I do not believe in the "rapture", but a once for all general judgment) He takes the pilots of His squadron, perfects them, and makes them now incapable of making an error, others who are of the Luftwaffe are forever doomed to fly wingless in a perpetually free-fall.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:
Originally posted by Always The Herd:

One of my Facebook friends posted this comment after her mother had
a visit with the doctor today:

"God is great!! Preventive meds are working and moms nodules are shrinking to almost nothing!! Just has to stay on meds another year and a half!!"
My comment is this:
"God is great!! (With or without meds, whether the nodules shrink, grow or stay the same). I give him praise either way. He never has or will make a mistake."
Now lets hear your comments......
Oh you're going to hear them.
Originally posted by banker6796:
06, how is faith tested if you are never challenged?
I make a similar argument when someone who proclaims strong faith gets upset when their faith/beliefs are challenged.
Apparently none of those people are in this thread. I can't speak for them.

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