Going too far with dogs

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
My dentist is bringing her dog to work. That is twice now. I thought the first time maybe the dog sitter was unavailable or maybe she had to to take the dog to the vet or something that day. Now, this is twice.

Is this some kind of health violation or code violation? The damn dog is in there barking and walking around in the reception area and where the receptionist sits. The dog is cute and all, but I am there for a medical procedure not a day at the circus or doggie park. I don't want her petting that dog or picking up a dod turd and then cleaning my teeth or performing a procedure.

I may have to fire her over this. Letting a dog shitting in my yard is a major violation of my personal property. But, this might be a new and strange level of behavior.
If your dentist sees kids, a lot of offices are using them to keep their anxiety levels down. But if it doesn't specifically serve that purpose, having a dog in a busy office is an invitation for a lawsuit - especially if it's tight quarters where an accident can happen & cause the dog to freak out.
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Was on a three hour plus flight a few days ago. The woman next to me had a dog in a carry-on that she stashed under the seat in front of her. At the end of the flight, I looked at the dog, and it was panting faster than I've ever seen any dog. I don't know if it was really hot or really scared, but it didn't look like it was in good condition on that flight. It didn't make a single noise all flight, but I would have been pissed if I had dog/fur allergies.

Was at Nordstrom yesterday and an Asian woman was walking around with her dog on a leash. It wasn't a therapy dog. Fvcking things are allowed everywhere now.
Was on a three hour plus flight a few days ago. The woman next to me had a dog in a carry-on that she stashed under the seat in front of her. At the end of the flight, I looked at the dog, and it was panting faster than I've ever seen any dog. I don't know if it was really hot or really scared, but it didn't look like it was in good condition on that flight. It didn't make a single noise all flight, but I would have been pissed if I had dog/fur allergies.

Was at Nordstrom yesterday and an Asian woman was walking around with her dog on a leash. It wasn't a therapy dog. Fvcking things are allowed everywhere now.

I don't think it's that they are allowed everywhere, it's more that people of self centered and entitled and don't give a damn about anyone else. If they are approached they go ballistic over being confronted and most people would just rather avoid that drama, so they let them be. It's like people who let their children run around stores and restaurants. The kids impose on everyone else, but you say anything to the kids or parents you have to be ready to fight.
I don't think it's that they are allowed everywhere, it's more that people of self centered and entitled and don't give a damn about anyone else.

I'm not sure if it is my advanced age or something else, but my bullshit tolerance is close to an all time low. I've gone from being non-confrontational to going out of my way to let people know they are inconsiderate assholes. It has led to some entertaining situations over the last few months.
I'm not sure if it is my advanced age or something else, but my bullshit tolerance is close to an all time low. I've gone from being non-confrontational to going out of my way to let people know they are inconsiderate assholes. It has led to some entertaining situations over the last few months.

It is, indeed, your advanced age.
I'm not sure if it is my advanced age or something else, but my bullshit tolerance is close to an all time low. I've gone from being non-confrontational to going out of my way to let people know they are inconsiderate assholes. It has led to some entertaining situations over the last few months.

Welcome aboard.
dogs in indoor public places and kids running around unsupervised raising hell while parents look on and do nothing. two things that'll definitely flip my blood pressure from the normal high to stroke worthy.

i sit in church back around christmas and this guy set across the aisle with a small, miniature mut of some sort. it had a little "coat" or whatever on that said "service dog". seriously? wtf is that thing going to service? smdh

kids out of control get me worse, though. i've had parents bring their kids to my office and the fvcking rugrats climb all over everything. completely out of control. i grabbed hold of one when it started opening file cabinets and led him back to his mother and said, please, control your child.
I'm not sure if it is my advanced age or something else, but my bullshit tolerance is close to an all time low. I've gone from being non-confrontational to going out of my way to let people know they are inconsiderate assholes. It has led to some entertaining situations over the last few months.

It doesn't get better the older you get.
I think I am doing better.

It's certain things with me. I really struggle with people who lack the awareness that they share the world with over 7 billion people. I have an extremely high tolerance for certain things. Children getting a little loud doesn't bother me if I see that the parents are making an attempt. Kids just have a mind of their own. But inconsiderate people like those who leave carts in parking lots, or steals a parking space that someone was clearly waiting on, litterers, or line skippers, or people rude to waitresses, etc...I will have something to say.

But I welcome the kids to play on my lawn. I'm not Rox or anything.