Gonna beat the libs to the shit storm post. Trump wants to combine Depts of Education and Labor

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006

Their heads are going to spin backwards like the girl in the exorcist.

How dare you mess with our large and bloated bureaucracy?
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Why is there even a federal department of education any republican in their right mind is not supportive of federal education. Geezus you guys aren’t even conservatives.
great idea, let's have the buffoon who thinks he is strong and powerful when he
makes little children cry restructure the dept. of ed. can we get betsy devaus to help?
great idea, let's have the buffoon who thinks he is strong and powerful when he
makes little children cry restructure the dept. of ed. can we get betsy devaus to help?
I am sorry the little illegal children and their illegal parents had to wait a few extra days and not do what they wanted to do. C'mon into my country and take what you want.
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Leave herdman alone and stop showing him improper way of doing things.
I think you get your grade lowered for using the word "things".

From and my memory of English class.

Too vague
Using terms that are vague makes your writing imprecise and may cause people to interpret it in different ways. Avoid the below expressions and try to be as specific as possible.

Taboo Example Alternative
Stuff People are concerned about their stuff People are concerned about their (belongings, possessions, personal effects)
Thing The report presents many things The report presents many (details/findings/recommendations)
If Trump actually goes through the consolidating these agencies and takes out a whole bunch of federal jobs the people who would be most mad are the head honchos at the GOP super Pacs that tell everyone they're going to do it and then never do.
If Trump actually goes through the consolidating these agencies and takes out a whole bunch of federal jobs the people who would be most mad are the head honchos at the GOP super Pacs that tell everyone they're going to do it and then never do.

That's actually a good take. It's been a selling point to people who don't understand the DoEd really doesn't do a hell of a lot that affects local schools.
First step: eliminate all federal student loans for for-profit colleges. No more money making on the back of the govt.

Step two: if your college/university has huge endowment, then 50% of the loan amount your student is getting comes from your own school. No more guaranteed government loan money where you have zero skin in the game if it’s paid off.