GOP Ahead in New Hampshire

I've been keeping a close eye on that race. If the democrats lose that one, and we'll find out early in the evening next week, then that's probably all she wrote for Crying Chuck.

With that said, I'll be shocked if people from Pennsylvania elect a vegetable to the Senate. That Adams County area is a place my wife and I have looked at moving to after retiring, but we'll scratch that off our list if they elect that bum.
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I spoke with a campaign here in NC. He said the races are extremely close in their estimation.

Of course nc is becoming a blue cess pool
months ago, i figured there was a red storm brewing. the abortion thing put a bit of a damper on it and it looked less likely. however, the shemales on the far left keep stepping on their dicks and screwing everything up for the moderates, and it's now looking more like a red tsunami.

on top of that, we got mush yelling that if they win control of the house and senate they'll codify abortion into law. wtf has he been doing? he's had plenty of time to get that done. people, even moderate leftists, see completely through his bullshit.

dems are fukt.

others . . . (i know, i know, "POLLLLLLLZ! RHEEEEEEE! YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE THEM NOW YOU DO?!")

for @MichiganHerd:

Don't count it yet boys. Early voting changes a lot. Makes it harder to poll and makes accountability harder in some areas.
I figure we have to be around 2-4% more votes to account for all the early morning cheating.

You know they're going to cheat again. That much we all know.
I figure we have to be around 2-4% more votes to account for all the early morning cheating.

You know they're going to cheat again. That much we all know.
At least that much. In PA we need to be up by 10 to 15. They are going pile those votes up at 3 am or noon the next day.

Mush has pretty much said they are going to cheat and if you don't like it you and voice your opinion you are an enemy of the state. They are basically saying we are going to cheat and don't question us.

Need solid leads everywhere to make their cheating harder or so obvious. Hell it was obvious before. Might not matter.
At least that much. In PA we need to be up by 10 to 15. They are going pile those votes up at 3 am or noon the next day.

Mush has pretty much said they are going to cheat and if you don't like it you and voice your opinion you are an enemy of the state. They are basically saying we are going to cheat and don't question us.

Need solid leads everywhere to make their cheating harder or so obvious. Hell it was obvious before. Might not matter.
Tuesday will be the last time I go vote if we get cheated again. At least here in Michigan.

Couple points:

Tudor Dixon is going to get more votes than the witch. It's just obvious based on the crowds, people talking about who they're voting for, and then you throw in what a horrible job she's done these last four years. If Tudor loses, then she got bamboozled.

Fetterman. I can't even imagine people in Pennsylvania would be dumb enough to vote for a guy that even mush probably calls mush behind his back. If he wins, I'll simply stop going back to Pennsylvania, a place I like to spend time in visiting civil war places, and drinking booze.
Don't count it yet boys. Early voting changes a lot. Makes it harder to poll and makes accountability harder in some areas.
I don’t think NH allows early ballot mail ins unless absenstee ballots. So a lot different than PA.

I agree I think PA wins the D seat. Blue collar voters will still vote for Fetterman and pre-debate mail ins push him over the edge.
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Tuesday will be the last time I go vote if we get cheated again. At least here in Michigan.

Couple points:

Tudor Dixon is going to get more votes than the witch. It's just obvious based on the crowds, people talking about who they're voting for, and then you throw in what a horrible job she's done these last four years. If Tudor loses, then she got bamboozled.

Fetterman. I can't even imagine people in Pennsylvania would be dumb enough to vote for a guy that even mush probably calls mush behind his back. If he wins, I'll simply stop going back to Pennsylvania, a place I like to spend time in visiting civil war places, and drinking booze.
If we get cheated again this time, I am done with it. I will never vote again. Maybe that is what they want. They might just want people like us to throw in the towell and say screw it. They will just want our taxes and they can put Mush brains in office and control them. We won't even vote.

Why would anybody in PA voted for a complete soup head like Fetterman. That is one of those guys you wouldn't even let shoot the 22 rifle at the family reunion or probably not even let him pitch horse shoes. Probably wouldn't even let him fix his own plate.

I have no desire to go to PA. They screwed us the last time.
I'm predicting 239 House Seats, and 52 Senate Seats.

Anything less than that, we got cheated, and cheated bad. Really, it should be around 245 and 53, but some states like PA and probably GA will stuff the boxes at 3:00 a.m. again.

Remember back in 2020? Michigan brought in all those mailed in ballots, and mush received about 99% of them.
I'm predicting 239 House Seats, and 52 Senate Seats.

Anything less than that, we got cheated, and cheated bad. Really, it should be around 245 and 53, but some states like PA and probably GA will stuff the boxes at 3:00 a.m. again.

Remember back in 2020? Michigan brought in all those mailed in ballots, and mush received about 99% of them.
They did that in Wisoconsin as well. Oh look everyone in Milwaukee County voted and Mush got 99.82% of the vote. He did better than old Husseign used to do in Iraq. Husseign only would get 95%.
They did that in Wisoconsin as well. Oh look everyone in Milwaukee County voted and Mush got 99.82% of the vote. He did better than old Husseign used to do in Iraq. Husseign only would get 95%.
I remember that. Even Vladimir Putin complained about mush's dominance. I think Vlad has only topped out at around 98%.
People are texting me and emailing about the Dems ability and desire to cheat.

They are saying here comes in the fix. Here comes the cheat. Here comes that 3am ballot dump.

Dems have destoryed faith in the American system.
People are texting me and emailing about the Dems ability and desire to cheat.

They are saying here comes in the fix. Here comes the cheat. Here comes that 3am ballot dump.

Dems have destoryed faith in the American system.
Good to know you surround yourself with other batshit crazy people
You don't think they have legititmate concerns?
No I don’t. And I would t know what joke Scarborough says because I don’t watch him like you do Michigan.
Biden won trump was his own worst enemy. Get over it and win this election
No I don’t. And I would t know what joke Scarborough says because I don’t watch him like you do Michigan.
Biden won trump was his own worst enemy. Get over it and win this election
Sure, there was no hanky panky going on with mail in ballots and the 3am and next day ballot dumps. Or, ballot harvesting. All on the up and up.

I am sure 98% of the people in the hood voted legally and filled their own ballots out.
No I don’t. And I would t know what joke Scarborough says because I don’t watch him like you do Michigan.
Biden won trump was his own worst enemy. Get over it and win this election
I don't watch the fag either. Jesse Watters said that's all Scarborough talks about for the last six years.
Sure, there was no hanky panky going on with mail in ballots and the 3am and next day ballot dumps. Or, ballot harvesting. All on the up and up.

I am sure 98% of the people in the hood voted legally and filled their own ballots out.
Hell the hood has voted 98% for democrats for as long as you’ve been alive. If it happened in Poca then might have an argument
Remember it isn't over till all the ballots that show up at 3 am are counted.
I've been keeping a close eye on that race. If the democrats lose that one, and we'll find out early in the evening next week, then that's probably all she wrote for Crying Chuck.

With that said, I'll be shocked if people from Pennsylvania elect a vegetable to the Senate. That Adams County area is a place my wife and I have looked at moving to after retiring, but we'll scratch that off our list if they elect that bum.
well with Philadelphia processing "votes" the vegetable has a real shot
Sure, there was no hanky panky going on with mail in ballots and the 3am and next day ballot dumps. Or, ballot harvesting. All on the up and up.

I am sure 98% of the people in the hood voted legally and filled their own ballots out.
it was the most secure election in history!!! despite the unprecedented money, FBI suppression of Hunter's laptop, media continuing to report unsourced leaks to Trumps detriment, unprecedented use of mail in ballots, big tech suppression, unconstitutional changes to voting rules in a few key states etc etc

and then when you review bell weather stats compared to other elections its just vexxing. but hey, the mainstream media said it was the most secure and even fat@ss Bill Barr said suburban women caused it. so since the media and DOJ said their are no issues and it's secure (by the way they are the same two (along with DNC that perpetuated the Russia hoax for years) well, I guess we just have to believe it. I mean hey, Biden couldn't fill up a high school auditorium but he got the most votes in history even more than Obama and HRC!! Trump became first incumbent to increase his totals and lose. It all makes sense....people came out in droves because they hated a strong economy, secure boarders and no new wars.

nations all over the world can count votes in one day. we have numerous states than can as well but hey, there are a few that just need several days or a week. makes sense.
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well with Philadelphia processing "votes" the vegetable has a real shot
I have a Facebook friend living in York County, and she made a post earlier in regard to voting for Fetterman, as well as posting Biden talking points. Damn near tossed my Skoal at the computer screen. If she wasn't so damn good looking, I would have unfriended her, but she's got TB, so I cut her some slack.

Probably delete her when I'm doing some drinking over the weekend though, as that's when my head will be right with the normal redneck stuff coming out.
People are texting me and emailing about the Dems ability and desire to cheat.

They are saying here comes in the fix. Here comes the cheat. Here comes that 3am ballot dump.

Dems have destoryed faith in the American system.
I think it was the years of fake whining about the election by the right that destroyed faith in the American system. Couldn’t handle just one loss. Bunch of snowflakes.
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I think it was the years of fake whining about the election by the right that destroyed faith in the American system. Couldn’t handle just one loss. Bunch of snowflakes.
Cough “not my president” cough. Cough burning and looting after trump won cough
I think it was the years of fake whining about the election by the right that destroyed faith in the American system. Couldn’t handle just one loss. Bunch of snowflakes.

You say that as if 2016 never happened. You say that as if Hillary Clinton wasn’t the author of “the other side cheated to win.”
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You say that as if 2016 never happened. You say that as if Hillary Clinton wasn’t the author of “the other side cheated to win.”
So you think the magnitude of Democrats who think Trump cheated is anywhere near Republicans.

Even Republicans in power know they’re just playing you. They know the election was fair. They just lie to you to rile you up.

I think it was the years of fake whining about the election by the right that destroyed faith in the American system. Couldn’t handle just one loss. Bunch of snowflakes.
Well, Dems pulled a lot of shennigans with the last election and the pandemic stuff. Then, Hillary and the FBI among other insitutions tried to job us for years.

Democrats have done it consistently. All because of an outsider is a threat to their swamp life.
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So you think the magnitude of Democrats who think Trump cheated is anywhere near Republicans.

Even Republicans in power know they’re just playing you. They know the election was fair. They just lie to you to rile you up.

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Protesting because you’re angry about something is very different than denying something even happened. Not saying anyone was right to burn shit down but that’s not attacking the central tenet of our governmental system and it’s legitimacy.

And let’s look at the response:
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, responded to the protests on Twitter, writing, "Nothing is more unAmerican than protesters who are not peaceful. Disgusting."

So not egging them on, or ring-leading conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, just immediate condemnation.
Protesting because you’re angry about something is very different than denying something even happened. Not saying anyone was right to burn shit down but that’s not attacking the central tenet of our governmental system and it’s legitimacy.

And let’s look at the response:
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, responded to the protests on Twitter, writing, "Nothing is more unAmerican than protesters who are not peaceful. Disgusting."

So not egging them on, or ring-leading conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, just immediate condemnation.
What was it that Maxine waters and others said? #notmypresident
What was it that Maxine waters and others said? #notmypresident
Right, that’s definitely the same thing as claiming the election was stolen and riling people up till we’ve got armed morons standing next to ballot drop off boxes.
So you think the magnitude of Democrats who think Trump cheated is anywhere near Republicans.
Yes, ffs. Don't be a moron. Dems have been calling people "illegitimate" office holders since Gore lost Florida. Get off of your fvcking high horse. Russian collusion, quid pro quo, etc. all were irresponsible lies made up to punish Trump because Hillary was a b*tch and couldn't win. You've become as unbearable as Greed. Congrats, I guess?