GOP and the DHS

Herd Fever

Platinum Buffalo
Sep 25, 2008
Is it just me or is the GOP stupid for playing hard ball with the protection of US citizens
How by pushing plans that he feels are needed and the GOP once again drags their feet
You mean like the last govt shut down? The one that resulted in the GOP winning more house seats and the senate? Honestly my original comment was more tongue in cheek the GOP could fvck up a wet dream
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Do you guys really think the Department of Homeland Security really protects American lives?
And need I remind you Obama wont be on the ticket. I still think Hillary wins but the black vote wont be out in as much force.
But women will. And while I know it is a long way out, her polling numbers with women, a key swing vote, trounce all GOP names. And trounce them in swing states. And in their home states.

And blacks love Bill Clinton, our first black President (second, if you count Lincoln, a Melungeon). He'll get a lot of them out to vote.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I said she would win however if the media would actually look into her background and all the unethical things with the Clinton foundation while she was at state it would be harder for her. Instead all we hear about is what color a freaking dress is and if Scott walker thinks Obama is a Christian
Originally posted by herdfan429:
if the media would actually look into her background and all the unethical things with the Clinton foundation while she was at state it would be harder for her
Well, there's no chance of that. Hillary will be a good enough president. I have voted for her before. Won't do it this time, but she'll be all right in there. She's a ferocious hag. I bet she could beat Obama in arm wrestling. Certainly in bowling.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:

Originally posted by herdfan429:
if the media would actually look into her background and all the unethical things with the Clinton foundation while she was at state it would be harder for her
Well, there's no chance of that. Hillary will be a good enough president. I have voted for her before. Won't do it this time, but she'll be all right in there. She's a ferocious hag. I bet she could beat Obama in arm wrestling. Certainly in bowling.
Obama sits down when he takes a leak.
How has she made it in a man's world? She's ridden her husband's coattails her entire life, and she's most famous for being cheated on.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
she plays the victim role well. Still believe something happens and she doesn't get the nomination. Someone else is going to snag it from her again. If she gets it.........she will be playing the victim again. Hell. That's all the Dems know.
Originally posted by murox:
How has she made it in a man's world? She's ridden her husband's coattails her entire life, and she's most famous for being cheated on.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Plus, other than that ridiculous Russia reset button & her ludicrous comments after Benghazi, almost no one can name a single thing she accomplished as a Senator or Secretary of State.
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

she plays the victim role well. Still believe something happens and she doesn't get the nomination. Someone else is going to snag it from her again. If she gets it.........she will be playing the victim again. Hell. That's all the Dems know.
One thing the Republicans are very successful at is playing the victim card while at the same time pointing at the Democrats for playing the victim card.
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:
Still believe something happens and she doesn't get the nomination. Someone else is going to snag it from her again.
Yep, I look for Obama to issue an executive order declaring himself the president for life. Republicans in Congress will threaten not to pay him for a week, then rescind the threat and sign off on chiseling Obama's face out of one of the existing at Mount Rushmore.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:
Still believe something happens and she doesn't get the nomination. Someone else is going to snag it from her again.
Yep, I look for Obama to issue an executive order declaring himself the president for life. Republicans in Congress will threaten not to pay him for a week, then rescind the threat and sign off on chiseling Obama's face out of one of the existing at Mount Rushmore.
Obama has already stated that his face will never go on Mount Rushmore because his ears are too big.
Originally posted by herdfan06:

Originally posted by Walden Pond:

Originally posted by raleighherdfan:
Still believe something happens and she doesn't get the nomination. Someone else is going to snag it from her again.
Yep, I look for Obama to issue an executive order declaring himself the president for life. Republicans in Congress will threaten not to pay him for a week, then rescind the threat and sign off on chiseling Obama's face out of one of the existing at Mount Rushmore.
Obama has already stated that his face will never go on Mount Rushmore because his ears are too big.
So is his ego.
Originally posted by Herd Fever:
I guess no president ever had an Ego
Sure most of them probably did. Nothing like the current guy. He is leaving us in a shi* storm that will cost us dearly. He has a different view of America. More than others POTUS by far.
Oh yea, and what view is that?? I'm sure you have had personal conversations with him.

Look I'm not on here trying to be an Obama apologist but since he has been hired so many people want to make him out as some idiot like they wasn't the same ones who voted George W. Bush into office 2 straight times. And he is possibly the worst president ever and him and Dick Cheney should be tried for War Crimes
Originally posted by herdfan06:

Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

she plays the victim role well. Still believe something happens and she doesn't get the nomination. Someone else is going to snag it from her again. If she gets it.........she will be playing the victim again. Hell. That's all the Dems know.
One thing the Republicans are very successful at is playing the victim card while at the same time pointing at the Democrats for playing the victim card.
Give us some specific examples '06. From what I read, Repubs are not very successful at anything other than holding back woman and other minorities.
Originally posted by Herd Fever:

Look I'm not on here trying to be an Obama apologist but since he has been hired so many people want to make him out as some idiot like they wasn't the same ones who voted George W. Bush into office 2 straight times. And he is possibly the worst president ever and him and Dick Cheney should be tried for War Crimes
Originally posted by Herd Fever:
Oh yea, and what view is that?? I'm sure you have had personal conversations with him.

Look I'm not on here trying to be an Obama apologist but since he has been hired so many people want to make him out as some idiot like they wasn't the same ones who voted George W. Bush into office 2 straight times. And he is possibly the worst president ever and him and Dick Cheney should be tried for War Crimes
I believe Barack H Obama feels guilty for being an American. I think he views America as an unnecessary economic force and super power. I believe he believes in redistribution. I believe he also a race baiting pot stirrer(roots as a community organizer). I believe he has roots in socialism.

One also cannot deny his upbringing and his associations throughout his life with shady and suspect characters.

Thank God, we have a system of checks and balances or this guy would bring down this country.
The GroupThink on Obama is pitiful.

For Christ's sake, he is slightly to the right of Bill Clinton...who was to the right of Richard fvxking Nixon.

Personally, in his heart, he is probably more left than he has governed. Pragmatism is a good quality in a politician.

Americans are generally ignorant. Republican these days think anyone to the left of the John Birch Society are socialists. They praise Reagan, but if rose from the grave they would call him a RINO.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
The GroupThink on Obama is pitiful.

For Christ's sake, he is slightly to the right of Bill Clinton...who was to the right of Richard fvxking Nixon.

Personally, in his heart, he is probably more left than he has governed. Pragmatism is a good quality in a politician.

Americans are generally ignorant. Republican these days think anyone to the left of the John Birch Society are socialists. They praise Reagan, but if rose from the grave they would call him a RINO.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
BS study this guy. One cannot deny his past. His muslim upbringing, his associations with shady men. The guy won't even label terrorists. A freakin' community organizer? Crazy ass preacher, Bill Ayers, etc.

Eric Holder for God sake.

This guy would get away with much more. He is freakin' dangerous. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

Hell, he probably couldn't even get a security clearance to be a cook in the Army. Now he is in charge.
Herdman stop passing your dumb ass opinions as fact. Usually when someone says "I believe" they usually don't know what the f*ck they are talking about.

Muslim upbringing? Really so what? And he grew up with his grandmother and mother and they wasn't Muslim at all. And if he was Muslim what does that have to do with anything?

It's idiots like you that has voted in these dumb ass Republicans in spite of Obama. YOU MY FRIEND SHOULD BE BLAMING YOURSELF